Chapter One

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Cassandra wraps her fingers around the strap of her bag, clinging to it like a lifeline as she stands at her jeep, staring up at the school, she's not sure about being here. She doesn't want to be here. Too much risk. She closes her eyes and swallows her emotions. She has learned that feeling her emotions makes it worse. That it....triggers that thing inside of her. That energy. So she keeps to herself. Keeps a lock on her feelings. Which is why she shouldn't be around other people. She's not ready to be here. 

"Hey" Bonnie greets, Cassandra jumps a little and turns to look to where she is stood behind her. "You okay?" Bonnie asks softly, Cassandra offers a small smile and nods.

"Yeah, just...." Cassandra shrugs a little. "Thinking" She settles on. "I thought Elena was getting a lift with you"

"Yeah, she did, she's at the car now, her earring fell out and now she can't find it" Bonnie answers, Cassandra hums a little and looks back at the school building. "Cas" Bonnie starts. "No one would blame you if you wanted to take some more time" She whispers to her friend.

"No" Cassandra is quick to answer. She can't. She wants to be able to continue with her life and not be stuck in her room, crippled by her guilt and her grief and her fear. "No, I have to do this," She tells her, Bonnie gives her a sad look. "I have to..." Cassandra repeats, this time more to herself as she takes a deep breath, steeling herself for this. Elena walks towards them, joining them.

"Did you find it?" Bonnie asks, Elena nods then hands Bonnie her car keys before sliding her earring back into her ear. She and Bonnie share a look, a question passing between them. Elena thought that Cassandra might have spoken to Bonnie about how she is really feeling instead of Elena. Bonnie shakes her head slightly. Elena lets out a sigh.


Inside of the school, Cassandra follows Bonnie and Elena as they head through the corridor and towards their lockers together. Students mill about, talking with friends, catching up, filling lockers. Everyone is a lot happier about being back compared to Cassandra who just wants to go home and curl up in her bed.

"Major lack of male real estate. Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beech. She looks like a hot....can I still say 'hot mess'?" Bonnie asks them.

"No, that's over." Elena answers.

"Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. It's a busy year." Bonnie points out. Elena waves to Matt at his locker. He ignores her and closes his locker door.

"He hates me" Elena comments sadly.

"That's not hate. That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."" Bonnie corrects. "Speaking of" Bonnie turns to Cassandra. "Have you spoken to Tyler?"

"No" Cassandra answers. "And I don't really want to" She adds. Bonnie nods in agreement. There is still a lot of blame there in Cassandra's mind. She is currently hating on Tyler. Not that any of them blame her. He cheated on her. That's never okay. Especially how much it hurt Cassandra, and what it led to. Caroline approaches them, perky blonde hair swinging behind her.

"Cassie. Oh, my god." Caroline hugs Cassandra who turns her wide panicked eyes on Elena who shrugs and gives her a small smile. Caroline pulls back, hands keeping hold of Cassandra. "How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you" Caroline then looks at Elena. "How is she? Is she good?"

"Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm just fine" Cassandra answers firmly.

"Really?" Caroline asks, a little doubtful.

"Yes," Cassandra answers.

"Oh, you poor thing." Caroline hugs her again, Cassandra clenches her jaw, she's never really been a hugger and since the accident, even less so. Elena, thankfully, sees how uncomfortable this is making her sister and swoops in.

"Okay, Caroline," Elena tells her. "She said she's fine" Caroline then pulls back.

"Oh! Okay, see you guys later?"

"Okay! Bye!" Bonnie offers and they watch as Caroline walks away from them. Cassandra lets out a breath and brushes her hair over her shoulder.

"Not a word" Cassandra warns them. Elena looks down with a small smile.

"I'm not going to say anything." Bonnie agrees, the three of them heading along the hall together. Elena looks at Cassandra who shoots her a look back, basically telling her to stop checking on her, she's fine, but she will be better, if people didn't look at her as if she is about to snap. She can do this. She can be normal again. 

(1) Just Magic (D. Salvatore)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang