Chapter Ninty-Five

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Damon watches Cassandra sleeping in his bed. He brushes her hair back from her face and neck. She seems so peaceful when she's not awake and worrying about everything. Damon is awake though, and he is internally struggling through this whole thing. Because the level of intimacy they have shared this last week is something he isn't used to dealing with. It was never like this with Katherine, granted it was compelled into him to love her but even still. There is an exposed nerve between Cassandra and himself. A real depth he didn't expect. It's strange to him. He's never experienced that before. With anyone. Ever. He shifts closer to her, pressing his chest to her back, his arm around her waist, sliding across her stomach. She hums as she wakes. He kisses her shoulder and closes his eyes as he breathes her in. He didn't really think about what she smelt like. It's not something he does with anyone. But there is an underlying smell to Cassandra. A spicy vanilla thing. He doesn't know if it is her shampoo or body wash or whatever. But it's her smell.

"Morning" He whispers in her ear, she smiles to herself and turns slightly to face him.

"Hey" She offers back as he leans closer to kiss her. She hums against his lips and draws her hand up to his neck. He does know one thing. One thing he is sure of. He does enjoy waking up with her in his bed. That exposed nerve is cushioned and comforted every morning he sees her lying there at his side. He pulls back and then kisses her nose before sitting up.

"Coffee's on the side," He tells her as he climbs from the bed to get dressed. Cassandra pushes herself back against the headboard and picks up the mug from the bedside table.

"So...What time did Elena get here this morning?" She asks as she raises her mug towards her lips. He smirks a little and looks at her. She always seems to be able to tell when Elena is in the house. He's doesn't know if that's a power thing or a twin thing.

"Crack ass of dawn" He answers as he throws a shirt at her, she catches it. "You, I tolerate being here because you have hot naughty sex with me" He teases, she smirks a little. "But no one said you came as a package deal"

"Believe me....she is not here for me" She counters as she pulls on the shirt. It's one of his but she doesn't mind. She rather likes wearing his shirts.

"And that doesn't bother you?" He asks as he moves back to the bed.

"It's given me space" She admits. He tilts his head. "To figure out who I am....away from her. You were right..." He gasps and clutches his chest. She rolls her eyes fondly. "My status has always been Elena's twin...because I was always the quiet one, the mousy one" She shrugs. "Time to come out of that Cassandra, whoever the hell she is..."

"That didn't really answer me" He points out, she shrugs and sets her mug back down.

"A little, yeah, it bothers me a little" She answers. "She's always been there, the first person I would wake up to every morning, even before my parents, it was Elena, because she had crawled into my bed. She was the first person I woke to in the hospital after the crash. It feels a little weird that we're drifting a bit but....we're growing up. Changing. We weren't always going to be side by side for the rest of our lives....but that doesn't mean that we love each other less. It's just different. We're not dependant on one another any more..." She shrugs a little. "We have these other bonds. You and Stefan, and the girls....even Ally" She kneels up onto the bed so she is level with him, he leans closer and kisses her softly before she pulls back and climbs from the bed to find the rest of her clothes. Damon picks up the object which Pearl gave him from the dresser as Cassandra pulls on a skirt. "Did you ever figure out what that is?" She asks him, he hums and shakes his head.

"Nope. Whatever it is, it doesn't work." He points out.

"Pearl didn't say anything else about it?" She asks him as she moves her fingers, using her powers to pick up a hairbrush from her bag to brush her hair. Now that they are back, now she can, she wants to make sure they are right up there, that she has full control over them. Everyday tasks. When she can. She will use her abilities.

"She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, but that was the pocket watch" He explains, she nods. "That Johnathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist" He teases a little. "Have you spoken to your uncle lately?"

"I've been avoiding him. That, and I've been here most nights" She answers.

"So, you'll be here again tonight?" He asks, slyly glancing at her. She smirks a little and raises an eyebrow.

"Is that a problem?"

"Yes. You're a complete nuisance" He teases back with a smile.

"Hmmm" She counters as he moves towards her.

"Also.....Have you spoken to Jeremy yet?" Damon asks, she pulls a face and shakes her head. She decided that she is going to tell Jeremy everything. The fallout is going to be terrible but she's not hiding it from him anymore, screw Elena's plan, Cassandra never wanted to keep it from Jeremy. Now she is going it her way.

"Every time I get him alone...John pops up" She answers. "And I swear he's getting suspicious...he keeps looking at my neck" She motions to her neck. "I can't keep wearing a scarf in the house" He touches her neck where her necklace formerly hangs, only now it is covered in hickies. Damon smirks a little. The scarf is for two reasons, a: to cover up those marks left by Damon, and b: to hide the fact she's not wearing her necklace anymore. John clearly wants her powered down, for whatever reason, they are not about to let him know she's all powered up again. Not until they know what he wants and why he feels the need to dampen his niece's powers. It has to mean something. 

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