Chapter Two

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Cassandra is exhausted and fire period hasn't even started yet. Dealing with Caroline and her eternity happy go-lucky personality is exhausting. It's going to be a very long day. She can feel it. In her bones long day. And that just dials up her anxiety. Being around people again, knowing that there is something wrong with her, she knew it was going to be hard. Her heart suddenly starts pounding in her chest, her fingers tingle with a numbness....She glances down to find that it's not a numbness that has her fingers tingling, it's her powers.

"Cas?" Elena asks, moving back towards where Cassandra has stopped.

"I urm...I just need a minute" Cassandra tells her, turning away, shoving her hands into her pockets to hide the red mist. It was way too early for her to come back to school. But she had no choice.

"Do you want us to wait with you?" Elena counters, Cassandra shakes her head.

"No. No...I'm just going to use the bathroom" Cassandra then hurries into the girl's bathroom, leaving Elena to frown sadly. She knows that Cassandra is struggling. But she doesn't know how to help her.


Cassandra shuts the door to the toilet stall, locks it behind her before she drops the toilet seat so she can sit. Burying her face in her hands. She can't do this. She really can't do any of this. But she has to. She has to take a deep breath and walk into history like nothing happened. She needs to pull her life together. Herself together. She pulls her hands back and takes a deep breath.

"I am," She exhales. "Happy" She breaths in. "I am," Exhales "Content" Breathes in "I am," Exhales "Accepting" Breathes in "I am," Exhales "Fearless" She then stands from the toilet and closes her eyes. Readying herself. She can do this. She can go out there and deal with the whispers and the looks.


Cassandra sits at a table in history class. Bonnie and Elena on either side of her, keeping watch basically to make sure she doesn't have any form of mental breakdown whilst here. To be fair, it is likely going to be them hovering that makes her snap, because she just wants to be left alone. To suffer in silence. To do this her way. Their teacher, Tanner, paces slowly at the front of the class as he talks. She doesn't like him. Never has. He's always looked at the female students a certain way. Been a bit of a dick to, literally, everyone. It's why no one likes him. And by proxy, no one likes history either.

"Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's Northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the Northwest region joining the union...." Cassandra lets out a breath and taps her pen on her notebook. She glances around the classroom, wanting to do anything but listen to Tanner. Her eyes land on a student she hasn't seen before. He's new. She knows that much. He's too busy staring at Elena to notice Cassandra's gaze on him. There is something in his eyes. Interest. But there is something darker in there too. It is coming off of him in waves. She's not sure what that means, but it can't be good. Darkness is never good. She turns forward again, clenches her jaw. Her family have already been through enough, she's not sure it can handle any more. She certainly can't. She really doesn't want anything else to go wrong.


Cassandra makes it though the day without any more wobbles. Which she is proud of. Now she gets to go home. Wind down. Lock herself away.

"I'm going to go to the cemetery" Elena offers as she walks with Cassandra towards her jeep. "Do you...want to come with me?" Elena glances at her sister. Cassandra hasn't been to their parents' graves since the funeral. She can't bring herself to go and see the damage she's done. She blames herself. And she blames Tyler. It's split 50/50 on blame for her.

"No" Cassandra answers. "No, I'm just going to go home....and I don't think I will be going to the Grill, I know you wanted me to go....but..." Cassandra shrugs a little.

"If you don't want to go you don't have to" Elena assures her. Not wanting to push Cassandra. If she's not ready, she's not ready. "I just..."

"I know" Cassandra stops her. "I know why...and I love you for it...but I'm just not ready...I just want to do nothing, by myself...." Elena nods and smiles at her. "You have fun though..." Cassandra digs her keys out. "Bring me some fries home" Elena chuckles and nods.

"That...I can do" Elena assures her. Cassandra watches Elena a moment, who eventually grows uncomfortable with the gaze. Cassandra gives a sad smile before climbing into her jeep.


Cassandra sits, crossed leg on her bedroom floor. Her eyes glow red with her 'powers' as a collection of nail polish bottles rattle and then lift from her dresser, each one wrapped in a red mist. She concentrates on the bottles. Her fingers shifting slightly in front of her and the bottles move with them. She's been trying to get a handle on it.



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