Chapter Forty-Six

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Cassandra slides down a wall to sit on the floor. She's so tired. She definitely should have just skipped this. She looks to her hand in her lap, stares at her fingers, willing them to spark with mist. Just a little bit. But she's still so drained she can't summon anything. She taps her head back against the wall and closes her eyes as she lets out a deep breath. She needs to go home. She needs to crash. With a heavy groan, Cassandra pushes herself to her feet and shuffles off down the hall in search of Elena, she can at least tell her sister where she is going.


Stefan and Elena are walking down the hallway. Matt walks in the opposite direction. They intersect and pass one another.

"Hey" Matt offers as he walks past them. Elena stops and turns to him.

"Hey, have you seen Logan Fell, the news guy?" She asks him, Matt nods.

"Yeah. He just gave Caroline a ride home" Matt answers and then walks, Elena turns a panicked look at Stefan. Knowing what is going on. Knowing that Caroline is now in danger. Stefan starts to walk away.

"Stay here" Stefan tells Elena, who watches Stefan leave with a look of anguish on her face.

"What's that look for?" Cassandra asks behind her, Elena turns to her. "What?" Cassandra counters seeing how serious that look actually is on Elena's face.

"Urm Caroline...." Elena offers, Cassandra frowns. "Logan is a vampire and he took off with Caroline"

"Oh, that's what that was" Cassandra mumbles to herself. She knew there was something off about him. Elena gives her a weird look which Cassandra just waves off. She's too tired to get into it right now. "Well..I was going to go home but I don't think I should now" She admits.

"If you don't feel very well, you should go" Elena counters. "There's nothing we can do here anyway...." Cassandra frowns thoughtful a moment before caving, because there is nothing they can do this time. She nods a little.

" I'm just going to crash, ice cream," Elena nods a little. "Text me what happens with Caroline, the second you know..."

"Of course" Elena counters. She would have done anyway, even if Cassandra hadn't have asked. Cassandra then nods again and walks away, tucking her hands into her pockets.


Later; Cassandra lets out a noise of disappointment from where she is rummaging in the freezer back home. This was supposed to be simple. Gather her ice cream and her soda. Then bundle up in bed with a few episodes of Bewitched before going to sleep. That is her perfect evening. But alas, tonight has other ideas. She closes the freezer door and glares at the little note left on her empty tub of ice cream. Jeremy's attempt at an IOU. Little shit ate all her ice cream and didn't replace it. She sets the tub and note on the side before seeking out her soda in the fridge. Only all her soda is gone too. She groans and throws her head back. Jeremy. She closes the fridge door and rests her forehead on the door. She could go out and get some, but that means using more energy she doesn't have. She's going to kill Jeremy for eating her food and drinking her soda. Well, she's not going to kill him. She loves him. She'll just give him disappointed annoyed eyes and get over it. She sighs a little then pulls her cell phone from her pocket to read the new text that pings away. From Elena. Telling her that Caroline is okay. Which is good news. Not hurt. She's fine. That drama is over. Now she has to decide what she is going to do about her food. She's not going to be able to sleep unless she restocks, she knows that much. Which means she does have to go out.


At the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan is holding Elena in his arms and stroking her hair. Elena is wearing Stefan's shirt and looking around the room from the comfort of Stefan's arms.

"I've never been in your room before" Elena comments.

"Hm, well, it hasn't changed much over the years." Stefan admits.

"Do you leave everything here when you come and go?" She asks him as he brushes his fingers through her hair. He hums and nods.

"It's the only place that...that has remained constant. This room holds every memory that I've ever thought was important enough to hold on to" Elena smiles and snuggles into Stefan's chest. Stefan kisses her head.

"A lot of memories" She comments. Elena looks up at him. Stefan kisses her forehead with a smile.

"Yep. Are you thirsty or anything?"

"A little. You? Uh..." Stefan laughs.

"I'm fine. Let me get you something to drink, okay?"

"Okay" Elena agrees. They kiss softly for a moment before Stefan gets up and leaves the room. Elena snuggles up against a pillow and smiles brightly. Soon she gets up and starts exploring Stefan's room. Elena finally comes across the picture of Katherine. She picks it up and sees the resemblance. Teary-eyed, Elena glances at the bedroom door as Stefan walks back into his room with a glass of water. He notes the photo in her hand and she gives him a look.

"I can explain" He starts.

" should" She argues and sets the photo down so she can fold her ars over her chest in annoyance. 

(1) Just Magic (D. Salvatore)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat