Chapter Thirty-Six

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Caroline is already waiting for Cassandra and Damon as they approach her outside of the Grill, she waves at Cassandra who waves back. Cassandra sits next to Caroline and Damon takes the empty space on the blonde's other side. Cassandra had already filled Caroline in on her plan on the phone earlier.

"Thanks for this, Caroline," Cassandra tells her fondly, though she pretty much guessed it to be a sure thing she is still grateful that Caroline agreed to do this.

"Are you sure about me doing this?" Caroline asks her. "Shouldn't Elena do it instead?"

"Actually, they kind of broke up" Cassandra offers. "So I would say that throwing him a party would be a good way to get into his good books" Damon nods in agreement at her side. "You know, invite his new friends, really make a night of it"

"Big crowd. Invite everyone." Damon adds. Caroline thinks on this for literally only a second before she nods.

"Okay. I can do it"

"For tonight, at the Grill?" Cassandra tells her. "Are you sure you can do it in time?" Caroline gives her a look.

"Of course I can" Caroline assures her. "I'll text you as I figure things out...." Caroline stands.

"Oh, you're going right now" Cassandra teases.

"I have to get started...." Caroline offers. Cassandra grabs her arm to stop her from leaving.

"Care...It's a surprise" Cassandra tells Caroline. "So don't go saying anything to Stefan" Caroline crosses her fingers over her chest and then walks away, mumbling to herself about party plans. Damon slides along the bench to be closer to Cassandra.

"Nicely done," He tells her. "I was going to suggest we just compel her" She turns a look on him.

"Caroline loves anything to do with planning parties...." She tells him. "Are you sure he even wants one?" Damon plays with her hair and nods.

"Yeah, he used to love them" Damon answers with a smile. "This year will be the most exciting yet" She raises an eyebrow at him, not sure she believes him, but to be honest, she doesn't care. She is just looking forward to the idea of a party without Vicki Donovan around. "Speaking of exciting.....Where's my crystal?" Damon asks her, Cassandra shoots him a look.

"I asked, she won't give it back" She answers.

"So make her" He counters.

"You want me to physically rip it off her neck?" She asks him, he nods along.

"Yeah, I want you to do exactly that" She turns to face him and frowns.

"What is the big deal about some....ugly crystal?"

"It belongs to me" He argues. "I just want it back" She hums a little and shrugs. He hums a little and glances at the Grill. "Want to get some breakfast?" He asks her, she glances at him. "Pancakes?" He nudges her and she smirks.

"Okay," She nods. "But you're paying, and I want bacon too...."

"Deal" He jumps up to his feet and holds out his hand to her. She raises an eyebrow but does take his hand letting him pull her up to her feet.

"This doesn't mean we're friends" She warns him. "Or that I forgive you, for anything...." He snorts.

"Perish the thought" He mocks slightly.

"But it does get you closer" She adds and then walks towards the Grill. Damon smiles to himself as he follows after her. He will take that. It is a step. A small one probably but still a step in his favour.


Cassandra grabs a skirt from the wardrobe, cocks her head at it before putting it back. She can't decide what to wear for this party. Her breakfast with Damon was....different. Not unpleasant but not really pleasant either. There was that underlying annoyance and distrust she has for him. He still annoys her and she doesn't trust him. How can she? She doesn't want to admit that she liked having breakfast with him. Because that would mean she really is starting to forgive him for everything he's done, and what everything he has done has lead to. She doesn't want to just cave. She can't reward him for his bad behaviour. She pulls out another skirt and then decides on it, setting it on the bed.

"Hey" Elena whispers from the doorway, Cassandra gives her a small smile. "I hate when we fight" Elena admits, Cassandra nods in agreement.

"Yeah" She agrees.

"I just...I don't want us to...."

"It's okay," Cassandra tells her. "I don't agree with....what you did, with what you had Damon do..." She offers and sighs. Elena is her sister. And family is forever. Nothing should come between them. She might not agree with it, but she doesn't want to fall out with Elena. They've been each other's support and rocks their whole lives. Elena smiles at Cassandra, sensing where she is going, but knows her sister can't voice it just yet. Cassandra has a hard time sometimes with feelings. "Family is forever" Cassandra assures hers.

"Family is forever" Elena agrees and moves closer before sitting on Cassandra's bed. "Can...Can I ask about..." Elena wiggles her fingers, Cassandra smiles and nods.

"Yeah, sure...."

"When did.....?" Elena starts only to stop again. Cassandra sighs.

"In the hospital" She offers in answer as she pulls out a black blazer. "It's...I really don't know what they are" She looks at Elena. "Or why it happened....or what caused them....."

"Do they hurt?" Elena asks her, Cassandra looks at her, sees that Elena is actually worried about that.

"No" Cassandra assures her, sitting next to her on the bed. "They don't hurt...."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Elena asks. "We tell each other everything...." Cassandra nods in agreement, because they did tell each other everything and Elena did tell her about the vampires.

"I don't understand them," Cassandra tells her. "And I wanted answers, so that when I would have eventually told you, I could tell you everything, but..." She shrugs. "It's been months and I still have no idea...And I just....wanted to be normal...."

"Is that why you shut yourself away?"

"I didn't want to hurt anyone" Cassandra admits. "Just...wanted to learn how to control them...." Elena nods a little, trying to understand, but it's hard to when it's not happening to her. She had no idea Cassandra was going through this. On top of everything else. She should have noticed.

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