Chapter Fifteen

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Cassandra's room might be small but to her it is comfy, there is nowhere for anything to hide, it stays warmer longer, she can't lose anything. She grabs her hairbrush from the dresser at the side and then drops onto her bed as Elena walks in. both of them have changed into comfy clothing to watch some classic sitcoms together. They've not really spent time together all day and Elena wanted an hour to themselves before bed.

"So?" Elena asks as she sits on the edge of Cassandra's bed. "What did you think?"

"I still don't like him" Cassandra answers as she brushes her hair. Elena slumps a little. All she wants is for her sister...her best friend to get along with the guy she likes. Is that so much to ask? "But...." Cassandra adds, Elena looks at her. "I see how much you seem to like him, so...I suppose" She shrugs. "I can....get behind it." Elena smiles at her and then gives her a look.

"What about you and Damon?"

"No, jeez, you and Caroline....nothing is going on with him. We spoke a few times, plus he is Stefan's brother. If you and Stefan are going to be, you know.....then it means Damon is likely going to be around a lot more. Wouldn't it be better if we all got along?"

"Yeah" Elena whispers in agreement.

"That way family gatherings aren't going to be really awkward...."

"You seemed to get along really well" Elena points out. She was surprised by the two of them tonight. She saw more of her sister, her old sister, talking to Damon tonight than she has in a long time. Cassandra shrugs.

"He hasn't yet looked at me like I am about to break that's a bonus...and he has really good taste in coffee" Elena chuckles a little. "We've had the same friends for as long as I can remember, Elena, now we're older...we don't have to..." Elena looks at her sadly now. "We're different now...I'm different. I don't like what I used to like, I don't find joy in things I used to find joy...I'm...branching out, finding new joy, new passion...I just don't know what it is yet....Maybe that does include new friendships" She shuffles closer to Elena and takes her hand, seeing the worry in her eyes, Elena is scared of losing her best friend. "You'll always be my best friend, Elena, you always have been, literally since the moment you were born" Elena laughs and nods. "But I'm allowed to grow and change..."

"I just want you to be happy, Cassie" Elena whispers. "The last few months...." Elena shakes her head and looks at her sister. "I saw you smile tonight" She points out. "Not a sad one or a polite one...but a real smile, for the first time in months....this growth, clearly working" Cassandra nods.

"I feel better, I think it's school, and getting back into a routine, and my friends...."

"Good" Elena tells her as she pushes herself onto the bed into a cross-legged position. "That's good...Cause I've really missed you"

"I've missed you too" Cassandra assures her, they share a soft look. "Any idea where Jeremy's disappeared to?" She asks. "I feel like I haven't seen him today"

"I think he's avoiding you" Elena offers, Cassandra cocks her head. "Urm some things came out last night..."

"What things?" Cassandra asks.

"Oh, just..." Elena motions with her hand, wanting to not have this conversation with her. It's one thing Vicki sleeping with Tyler, it's another her sleeping with Jeremy. It literally feels like Vicki is personally screwing with Cassandra's life. "He's....been sleeping with Vicki Donovan" Cassandra turns to Elena, her eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, it almost sounded like you said that Vicki slept with Jeremy....." Elena nods. "Eww..." Cassandra complains. "What is wrong with her?"

"Cas" Elena warns a little.

"Firstly, I'm pretty sure it is illegal" Cassandra points out. "He's fourteen. Secondly, what was he thinking? Vicki Donovan? I mean....even a rock has more intelligence and charm than her..." Elena chuckles and bites her lip. Cassandra shakes her head. "It's just...unbelievable..."

"Okay, can we stop talking about this and talk about something fun?" Elena asks.

"Fine" Cassandra accepts, still not happy about the whole Jeremy and Vicki thing. She is pretty certain that it against the law. Vicki is eighteen, Jeremy is only fourteen years old. She should have been paying attention. Maybe she could have stopped it from happening. That tramp is not going to ruin her family. Elena nudges her from her thoughts. "What are we watching tonight?" Cassandra asks.

"I want to catch up on Lost first" Elena answers as she gets comfy beside Cassandra. "And then we can watch one of your ancient sitcoms" Cassandra nudges her but smiles.


The credits role for 'I Dream Of Jeannie' on the vintage tv as Cassandra and Elena both sleep in the tiny bed.


The town square is once again the main feature of Cassandra's dream. This time Stefan is at her side. Both of them stood defensively. Which, considering her last dream about Stefan, throws her a little. Here he is, at her side, both of them in the protector role. And in a blink. She's no longer in the square but in her bedroom. She frowns and turns. This is new. She's never actually dreamt of her own bedroom before. Why would she? Nothing excited has even happened in here. That's a pretty depressing thought. Hand touch her shoulder, gentle, soft, turning her towards whoever it is stood behind her. Damon. She opens her mouth to say something. To ask what the hell is going on. Damon puts his finger to Cassandra's lips then touches her cheek before he kisses her.


Cassandra sits upright in bed when she wakes. She cocks her head and raises an eyebrow. That was weird. She glances down at Elena who is still fast asleep. That dream can only be Elena and Caroline's fault. They were talking about her getting into another relationship. She blames them. Because those thoughts were definitely not in her head before that. Sure, he's attractive, she's grieving not blind. Those eyes are something special. But she's not looking. She's not ready. And not with someone that gives her such a weird feeling. Not until she understands what that means. Something taps on her bedroom window, stealing her attention. She glances at the bird on her windowsill. She cocks her head before she climbs out of her bed. Opening the window she leans forward.

"Hey, birdie" She greets quietly as she leans on the sill. "Are you out of seed?" She asks, eyes flickering to the small bird feeder hanging from her windowsill. It's almost full, so that's not what his attention is about. She narrows her eyes at the bird before leaning back inside and closing the window. She lets out a breath and picks up the empty candy wrappers from the night before. She and Elena had binged a little whilst watching tv.

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