Chapter Forty-Five

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Cassandra makes her way through the school towards where Elena is standing looking into a room set up for the career fair thing. Cassandra actually considered not coming at all. Just going back home and crashing. But she supposes she should really start considering her future. She's only got a couple of years left of high school, and then what? College? A job? Elena turns to face her and gives her a small smile.

"You look better" Elena offers, Cassandra nods and tucks her hands into her pockets.

"I feel it" She assures her and shrugs a little. That's not completely true, she still feels exhausted and she hasn't even begun to think about testing her powers today. She's pretty sure they won't work right about now.

"You know you could have missed this, if you needed to rest some more," Elena tells her, Cassandra shakes her head and glances around the career fair stands and stuff.

"Future stuff is important" Cassandra states as she glances around the career fair.

"You still have no idea what you want to do" Elena reminds her. And she is right. Cassandra has never felt drawn to any career. She has no idea what she is going to do. No idea what she is going to study at college or even if she wants to go.

"Maybe something here to me" She mocks a little in response, Elena smirks. "I'm not like you, I don't have like this...whole plan where at the end I become a doctor...." She folds her arms over her chest. "I don't know what I want to do...." She agrees and rolls her eyes.

"Well you like stars, so astronomy?" Elena asks, Cassandra pulls a face and shrugs. "Or botany....or...sitcom director" Elena teases, Cassandra shoots her a look, Elena just smirks back.

"You're in a good mood considering Stefan practically broke up with you.....again" Cassandra points out and Elena's smirk falls. Cassandra gives her her own smirk.

"That wasn't fair" Elena scolds her.

"Forget about him anyway" Cassandra wraps her arm around Elena's shoulders. "Finish high school, go to college, meet insanely hot frat boys" Elena looks at her sister who smiles softly at her. "In 20 years, this will all be a very bad dream....and you will be this hotshot doctor with the trophy husband and the 2. 5 kids running around like little shits, because we both know that they will be complete shits" Elena chuckles and leans into her sister.

"Thanks" Elena whispers, Cassandra shrugs a little. Cheering her sister up is her job, just like it is Elena's job to cheer up Cassandra when she is done. This is what they do for one another. They keep each other sane and safe. "There's Matt" Elena states. "I'm going to talk to know, because apparently he and Caroline..." Elena gives Cassandra a look, she snorts.

"Yeah, right..." She comments. Elena gives her another look. "He has better taste" Cassandra then motions to Elena. "Case and point" Elena elbows her a little. "He was good to you"

"Yeah, he was" Elena agrees. "But it was..." She stops and then pulls a face, Cassandra cocks her head.

"It was what?" She asks.

"Boring" Elena whispers, Cassandra shakes her head. Elena shrugs and then walks towards Matt. Cassandra lets out a breath and folds her arms over her chest.

"Hey" She rolls her eyes and turns to find Tyler behind her, he gives her a smile and she just scowls back at him.

"Really?" She asks him. "We're gonna do this again?"

"Do what again?" He counters.

"You come over with some fake ass apology, tell me you miss me....try to remind me of the good old days. I say no. Go away. You ignore my request.....Only this time, I will punch you" She offers overly sweetly. "In your special place," Tyler clenches his jaw a little and shakes his head.

"You know one of these days, I'm going to stop trying" He warns her.

"Yeah, do that," She tells him. "That's exactly what I want you to do"

"You think you can do better than me?" He growls a little.

"Literally anyone would be better than you..." She points out. "A dead rat would be better than you" She adds and steps closer to him. "You literally cannot seem to get it through that thick skull of yours how much I hate you, can you?"

"Is this guy bothering you, Cassandra?" Logan Fell asks as he moves closer to the pair, a creepy glint in his eyes.

"You know what...Yeah, he is" She answers, Logan raises an eyebrow at Tyler who shakes his head and walks away.

"Boys like that have trouble with the word no" Logan states, she scoffs.

"Yeah, I know" She argues and folds her arms over her chest and gives him a look. Because Logan is one of those boys. He is just like Tyler. "What are you doing back in town?" She asks him. "Jenna is going to be pissed at you"

"Yeah, I've already seen her" He admits. "She was not happy" She hums and nods.

"So I am going to look around" She offers and motions over her shoulder, already backing away from him. Something about him bugs her. Bothers her. Rubs her up the wrong way. She is getting serious creepy vibes from him and does not want to be around him anymore. He watches as she walks away.


Cassandra touches the pamphlet on creative writing and frowns. She's not sure. She doesn't do the whole journal thing that Elena does, she doesn't see the point in writing it down if someone could find it and read it. Why risk it? Elena wasn't wrong, she does like stars but astronomy sounds like so much hard work and way too much science. Then botany, she likes plants but enough to make a career out of it? She's not sure. She has no idea what she is good at anymore. She lets out a breath and moves away from one table to another. How is she supposed to decide this stuff when she doesn't even know who she is anymore?

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