Chapter Twenty-Three

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Bonnie sits with Cassandra on a bench outside of the school wanting to get their homework started. Which probably does make them a little nerdy, but it's better than doing it alone at home. Bonnie glances to where Jeremy is glaring across at Cassandra. Which is weird. They're pretty close.

"Why's Jeremy glaring at you?" Bonnie asks.

"He's mad at me" Cassandra answers, Bonnie raises an eyebrow at Jeremy. "I kicked Vicki, his cheap paedophile whore, to the curb this morning" Cassandra opens her bag and pulls out her notebook. Bonnie's eyes widen a little and looks at Cassandra. "Don't defend it"

"I wasn't going to" Bonnie assures her. "I just..some times I forget how old Vicki is..."

"Because she acts like a skanky tramp?" Cassandra asks, Bonnie gives her a look.

"Yes" She agrees, the two of them sharing a small smile. "Why don't you go to the sheriff?" Bonnie asks her, Cassandra shrugs.

"Because Jeremy and Vicki will deny it, and without actual proof that it happened, I'll just look like the scorned lover" She shrugs and sighs. "Vicki is one of those people, you know, they can do whatever they want and never get punished for it and doesn't care who she hurts....short of putting Jeremy in some form of chastity belt...I don't know what I can do" Bonnie shrugs a little, she doesn't either.

"What's this?" Bonnie asks when she sees the crystal in Cassandra's bag, Cassandra raises an eyebrow.

"I found it" Cassandra answers. "Well...Damon dropped it and....finders keepers" Bonnie smirks a little.

"It's ugly" Bonnie points out, Cassandra hums and nods in agreement.

"Yeah, but bet it's worth something" Cassandra tucks it back into her bag. "I'm going to need money for a college fund"


Caroline stands at the head of a crowd of students, mostly cheerleaders, members of the football team and the school band. Cassandra stands with Bonnie both of them watching Caroline, their attention focused on her. Cassandra yawns and presses the back of her hand to her mouth. She didn't go back to sleep after her whole Damon dream thing. She can't find a reason for him talking in her dream. The people she dreams about never talk. Especially recently. They are just there. She's not sure what this means.

"The sexy suds car wash is tomorrow. The football team and the band have committed. Well, not all the band. Just the ones who could pull off the bikini. I want, in your face, sexy. I mean, it's a fund raiser, for god's sake" Caroline tells the crowd of students gathered. Elena is watching Cassandra who stands with her arms folded over her chest as she talks with Bonnie.

"Unbelievable. It's like nothing happened." She mumbles to herself. She knows something went down with Cassandra and Damon, but she's not talking, so she has to come up with her own scenario.

"Hey" Stefan greets behind Elena, she turns and gives him a look and goes back to watching Cassandra. "I'm so sorry I haven't called"

"No worries. I'll live" Elena counters and then turns to him. "What happened with Damon?" She asks him, thinking that he might know something, knows what happened. "Cas isn't telling me anything"

"I don't actually know" Stefan admits. "She didn't really tell me either, I just...found him..unconscious on the floor...and she was pretty upset" Elena lets out an annoyed breath. "I've been dealing with Damon"

"For four days?" Elena asks.

"You have every right to be upset with me. But can I explain it all to you? Please" Stefan asks of her.

"Sure. When?" She counters.

"I gotta be home after school, but The Grill, around four o'clock?"

"Okay," She agrees.

"Thanks," He tells her, his eyes looking over at Cassandra. "Is she okay?" Stefan asks, he nods over at Cassandra. Elena shrugs.

"I don't know" Elena admits. "She's been weird...but no more weirder than recently" She adds and lets out a breath at Caroline moves to Cassandra who raises an eyebrow at her.

"I need you to man the cash box tomorrow, Cas..." Caroline tells Cassandra who nods back at her.

"Okay, whatever you need" Cassandra mumbles in agreement. She doesn't really want to do this at all. She's not a cheerleader any more. She doesn't have to. But....Caroline is her friend. And she did agree to this before she quiet, and she will see it through. She gave her word. 

"But wear something nice" Cassandra gives Caroline a look. She's not as comfortable showing off her body as the rest of them are. She doesn't mind a short-ish dress or skirt, but bikini and swimsuits are a no way in hell.

"I think I have some skirts that might work...." Cassandra offers, Caroline hums happily and nods. That'll do. Cassandra does have some nice black skirts. 


Cassandra takes an hour to go to that coffee place after school by herself. She can order a fancy coffee and drink it herself. She doesn't need to be with Damon to do that. But it doesn't have the same atmosphere to it now. It's too busy. Too many people. Too loud. The smell of coffee too strong. She sighs and pulls out her cell phone. She knows he tried to hurt her. But she hurt him back. She really hurt him back. She's still hoping he's not dead. She really doesn't want to be responsible for the death of someone. But she can text him. And if he doesn't text back, then she will forget about it. Just move on.

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