Chapter Thirty

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TV Show title Ideas:


- Because she is the Scarlet Witch, and the word television

Mystic Hearts

- Mystic Falls. Romance. kind of self-explanatory.

- Based on 'Vampire' novels:

Dark Lover

Let The Right One In

A Discovery Of Witches

30 Days of Night


True Blood

- Offered:



Cassie Diaries

Mystic Diaries

Mystic Vision/MysticVision 


Mystic Magic

Mystic World


Cassandra manages a month. A whole damn month she manages to avoid Damon, in real life and in dream form. She's not actually been dreaming at all. Which is a win. No nightmares. No dreams. No Damon. A win. She's ignored the vampire thing, mostly. There was a jump scare moment in town in which she nearly pooped her pants, but that was it. She and Elena have actually been spending much of their days together, when not a school, just to keep each other sane and away from the vampires in their life. They disappear into sitcoms and avoid anything supernatural. It works. For the most part. She still catches Elena looking forlorn out the window or at her phone. Pining after Stefan. Cassandra gets it. There are moments when she catches herself looking back on those easy and early days with Tyler. Before she mentally slaps herself and reminds herself he was a dick. She lets out a breath and pulls her blanket over her head. It's still early, she knows that much, it's dark outside. She groans. She just wants one night. Just one night to herself without nightmare, dream, or Damon.


Damon stares down at Tyler. Somehow, Vicki had gotten loose and ran straight off in search of Tyler. Shocker. Stefan holds back Vicki from Tyler. Damon was hoping for a few more hours of sleep. A few more hours in that weird dreamscape, he'd even take the rabid Spondgebobs over this. In the real world, it's amusing, less so than when he is actually being chased by them. 

"What's going on here, Stefan? What's wrong with her?" Tyler asks Stefan.

"You don't talk." Damon snaps at him.

"Screw you, dude" Tyler counters.

"'Dude'? Really? 'Dude'?" Damon mocks with a dark smirk.

"Damon, don't!"

"What did she ever see in you?" Damon asks, honestly, he can't see what Cassandra saw in this tool. She's smarter. He assumes. From their little games of hangman, she has some level of intelligence. This is typical jock guy. She seems to have a little more taste than that but history would show otherwise.

"Damon" Stefan warns.

"Oh come on. Who's gonna miss this idiot?" Damon counters, Tyler turns and punches Damon, with little effect.

"Ooh! Don't you hurt him" Vicki shouts. Damon grabs Tyler by the throat, pulls him closer and compels him.

"Forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here" Damon states, then throws Tyler. When Tyler gets back to his feet, all of them are gone.


Damon peers down at Cassandra as she lays in her bed, she's not asleep, but she's wearing an eye mask and some headphones. She can't hear or see him. He's been in here a few times over the last month just watches her. Maybe goes through her things a little. Just to see what she likes. It's her bookshelf he's found himself drawn too more often than not. She's a more avid reader than he first thought, yeah, he found that Twilight book, but she seems to have a fondness for crime novels. Karen Rose. Josephine Tey. Raymond Chandler. John le Carre. Agatha Christie. Arthur Conan Doyle. Even some he's never heard of. Like Sheila Quigley. Peter Robinson. She really loves her crime novels. He taps the spine of one and pulls it from the shelf before opening it up. He might as well see what the fuss is about. He just wishes she had a chair in here. His eyes drift back to Cassandra as she frowns a little before she reaches up and pulls off her headphones, opening her eyes they land straight on Damon. She goes to scream but he is quick to cover her mouth with his hand.

"Shhh" He stops her. "No evil intent" He assures her, she gives him a look. "I'm after you literature" He admits, she frowns against his hand. "Your Quigley books...She's a very entertaining author" She doesn't fall for it one bit. "Fine..." He caves and pulls his hand back. "I...was bored"

"Try again" She counters, he leans up and raises an eyebrow at her. Surprised that she saw through the lie. Weird. She's just weird.

"What did you see him?" He asks.

"Who?" She asks as she sits up, leaning back against the headboard of her bed.

"That Lockwood boy" He offers. "What did you ever see in him?" She groans a little, this is not a conversation she wants to have, in the middle of the night, with him. He moves closer to the bed.

"This bed is not big enough for two people" She complains as he nudges at her, climbing onto the bed with her. It's barely big enough for her, let alone two people.

"Come on" He nudges her again once he is comfy. "Why him?" She sighs and shifts so she's a little more comfortable.

"I don't know....." She answers. "We'd known each other since we were kids" She offers and shrugs. "And...well...Elena was dating his best friend" She adds. "They started dating first which meant me and Tyler ended up spending more time just....happened really..."

"Because your sister was dating his best friend is not really what I was expecting" He admits, resting his hands on his stomach, staring up at her ceiling. "Are those glow in the dark stars?" He asks, she looks up and then nods.

"Yeah" She answers.

"Huh....stuck in the '90s?" He teases, she shoots him a look and then pushes at him.

"Get out of my fact, just get out of my house," She tells him. "And my life....." He pouts at her.

"Wasn't it more fun when we were friends?" He asks, she gives him a look.

"We weren't friends" She argues. She might have seen him going in that direction but he clearly wasn't in it to be friends with her. This is all just some big game for him. They weren't friends. And they never will be. How can she be friends with someone that goes around killing other people? "It was fake..." She adds. "A game to you...."

"Yeah, it was" He admits, she actually is surprised that he just out and admitted it. "At the start..." he shrugs a little, she cocks her head as he looks at her. "You grew on me" He teases and pokes her nose. She slaps his hand away.

"Yeah?" She asks him, he nods. "Funny that...when it was later in which you hurt me" She points out and then uses her powers to push him out of her bed, he lands on the floor with a groan and a thud. "Now get out..." He closes his eyes and sighs. Fair enough.

(1) Just Magic (D. Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now