Chapter Eighty-Six

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Damon leans on the balcony on the upper level of the Founder's Hall. Jaw tight. Hands clutching to the brickwork so hard it is crumbling slightly. He's upset. Yes. Livid by what he saw. Jealous. Envious. All of those pesky human emotions that are now full-on choking him. How could she just go back to that asshole? Letting him touch her like that after what he did to her. Not that he has anyone to blame but himself really. He could have made his own move well before now. He was being nice though, letting her work through everything. John leaves the building and approaches Damon.

"Damon, right?" John asks as he stops at Damon's side, Damon glances at him and then away again.

"John" Damon greets back.

"We didn't get the chance to meet at the council meeting" John points out. Damon rolls his eyes a little, not really in the mood to have this conversation, or any conversation with this man.

"Yeah. It's a pleasure. Are you enjoying the kick-off?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot how much fun these small-town celebrations can be" John admits.

"Yeah. When was the last time you were here?"

"Hasn't been that long, my brother's funeral. How long have you been in town?"

"Oh, not long at all." Damon answers.

"So what do you think, Damon? You know this vampire problem is real, right? It's a potential blood bath." John gives a sly look at Damon who raises an eyebrow back at him.

"I wouldn't overreact, John."

"Oh, I think it's like 1864 all over again, vampires running amok. I guess we're just gonna have to hunt them down, throw them in a church and burn them to ash." John tells him.

"That's the story, huh?" Damon asks, trying to hide his surprise that John knows about that.

John: Part of the story, yeah.

Damon: Oh, there's more?

John: Oh, there's a lot more. See, it seems there was a tomb under the church, where vampires were hidden, waiting for someone to come along and set them free. But then you already knew that didn't you?" John asks. Damon doesn't look at him. He's uncomfortable. "I mean, you're the one that did it"

"And you're telling me this why?" Damon asks him, getting annoyed by John.

"I just thought we get the introductions out of the way" John answers looking rather smug with himself.

"You know that I could rip your throat out before anyone would notice?" Damon counters.


"Yeah, okay. But you probably ingest vervain so..."

"Why don't you take a bite to find out?" John asks. Damon smiles humourlessly.

"It's not worth my time" They look at each other and share forced smiles. Damon starts to leave but then he turns around, rushes towards John, breaks his neck, and throws him off the balcony. That wasn't entirely about John, he is aware of that but threatening him. Bad idea. More so when he is in a bad mood.


Inside, Cassandra takes a drink from her glass, as she watches Mayor Lockwood on the small podium stage set up for speeches. She's avoiding everyone. She heard about the commotion outside with Tyler, who seems like he really cannot keep it in his pants, and moved on to a more willing recipient of his affections. Only this person is Kelly Donovan. mother like daughter. It's no wonder Vicki turned out the way she did if that was the role model she had in her life. Cassandra snorts and shakes her head. She just wants this whole thing to be over. But if she has to stay, she is going to drink the free booze on offer. Damon watches her from across the room, surprised to see her without her new friend. He raises his own drink to his lips to down the rest of the liquid inside. He sets the empty glass on the small table at his side. He blinks and tilts his head when he sees John Gilbert entering the room and moving towards the little stage.

"You got to be kidding me" Damon comments.

"Thank you all for joining us tonight," Mayor Lockwood tells the gathered guests. "In just a few moments we will officially begin the countdown to our upcoming Founders' Day celebration and it's a very special one this year. The one hundred and fiftieth birthday of our town" A bell on a table is wheeled next to him. "And...and I would like to welcome back one of our town favourite's sons to do the honours of ringing our official charter bell. John Gilbert, would you please join me up here?" John Gilbert applause and rejoins the mayor. Damon is looking at him, staring with a tight glare.

"One hundred and fifty years of community, prosperity, family. We take care of each other, we look after each other, protect each other" John then looks directly at Damon. "It's good to be home" Everyone applauds for John, except for Damon who moves through the crowd towards where Alaric stands.

"Look at his right hand," Damon tells him, Alaric frowns.

"Whose?" Alaric asks.

"Towns favourite's son. Look at his ring." Damon points out. John rings the bell and it can be seen that he wears the same ring that Alaric wears.

"Well, it looks like mine." Alaric comments.

"Yeah, and that would be a big coincidence if he didn't just come back from the dead five minutes ago" Damon points out. "Where the hell did you get that ring?" He asks.

"Isobel, my wife."

"Who gave birth to Cassandra and Elena, under the medical care of the esteemed Dr Grayson Gilbert, John's brother!" They both turn to look at John.

"Do you think John knew Isobel?" Alaric asks.

"I think John knows a lot of things" Damon admits, his eyes then shifting to Cassandra as she stumbles out of the room, setting her now empty glass down. Damon purses his lips, worried about the state she is in. He can either deal with John or deal with Cassandra. He pulls out his cell phone and texts Elena to look for her sister. Right now, John is the greater threat. As long as Elena has eyes on her sister, she'll be fine.

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