Chapter One Hundred

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At Isobel's Residence, Damon is shirtless. He's playing strip poker with Cherie, one of Isobel's little minions. He's waiting on Isobel returning home. Playing the role as he waits. Relaxed. Non-threatening. Waiting for his moment to prove a point. He's not happy. Far from it.

"Oh, oh, Cherie, you won again. I hope I'm wearing my good underwear" Damon teases as he gets up and begins to remove his belt. Isobel arrives.

"And it's just one blast from the past after another" She grumbles seeing Damon. "No, no, no" Damon closes his fly. "Dégage, Cherie" Cherie gets up and leaves the room.

"It's good to see you, Isobel. I was just having fun with your naughty little minion" Damon points out.

"How did you find me?" She asks him. Damon moves across the room at vamp-speed towards Isobel.

"Searched all the neighbourhood bank-owned foreclosures and found the most expensive one" Damon answers.

"Oh, I should have known. You're the one who taught me that. What are you really doing here?"

"Well you caused quite a stir, you blew into town. Saw everyone except for the man who made you. I'm a little hurt" He leans in towards her.

"I'm so sorry" Isobel offers and twists Damon's head around at vamp-speed. "Did you bring the device?" He disengages at vamp-speed.

"What are you doing with John Gilbert?" He counters.

"We dated a few times when we were young. He was a little bit in love with me."

"I'm sure. One of the many. Now, this little invention what do you want with it?" Damon asks her.

"Oh, me personally? I don't want anything with it. I'm just doing what I'm told. You know Damon we're on the same side" Isobel points out. Isobel takes Damon's face in her hands.

"Oh yeah? What side is that?" Damon counters.

"Katherine's" Isobel answers, Damon clenches his jaw. "She wants John Gilbert to have the device and I think that you know that she's not happy when she doesn't get what she wants" Damon throws her off of him.

"Why are you doing her dirty work?" Damon inquires.

"Don't kill the messenger. We both know that you can't control Katherine. She does what she wants" Isobel reminds him.

"So do I."

"Oh really, Damon? You do?" Isobel moves closer to him. "What should we do now?" She asks him, they laugh, but only for a moment, Damon drops his smirk and then slams her on the floor at vamp-speed and holds her throat down to the floor.

"Now that I have your attention, listen up" He threatens. "You do not come into my town; threaten the people I care about. Going after Cassandra? Bad move" He growls. "You leave her alone or I will rip you to bits because I do believe in killing the messenger. You know why? Because it sends a message" He slams her head against the floor. "Katherine wants something from me? You tell that little bitch to come get it herself" Damon releases her and then leaves.


Cassandra lets out a breath and knocks on a bedroom door at the Boarding House. Red mist wraps around it before it opens, revealing Ally sat on a bed in the centre of the room, her hand held up. The room is in a state of destruction, Ally has clearly already started decorating.

"Hello, Doppel-Me" She greets with a smile. Cassandra smiles back and walks into the room.

"Urm...I got you something" Cassandra admits and then holds out a small squirrel figurine. "Damon told me you liked squirrel stuff" She offers, Ally smiles and takes the little figurine from her. "I wanted something to say thanks, for what you did"

"You don't have to thank me. Damon is my friend and he asked for my help" Ally then chuckles looking at the squirrel. "But this I like" She offers and uses her powers to set it on the top of the dresser.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Cassandra asks her. Ally tilts her head to the side.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Ally argues and then sighs when she sees Cassandra's look. "Because.....Because I've been where you and Damon are" Ally tells her. "That beginning. When the bond is being forged. It's beautiful and pure and must be protected...because it literally won't take much to break it right now...."

"And why must it be protected?" Cassandra counters with a frown.

"It is important to who and what we are, Cassandra" Ally informs her and moves closer to her. "We're unique and special in ways you have no idea ways you are not ready to hear, and I am not ready to tell...." Cassandra gives her a look. Ally sighs. "That bond..." She starts. "What you and Damon share, I've seen it before...because that is what Kol and I shared....and it is meant to make us stronger" Ally offers and then touches her chest over her heart. "In here" She then taps her head. "And in here....." She then lets her powers wrap around her hands. "And with this..." She adds. "We are the only supernatural entities that form these kinds of bonds. That's how special it is....and if I can stop what happened to me and Kol from happening to you two. Then...I am damn well going to do so..." Ally gives Cassandra a sad look. "Being away from's like there is this hole in my chest...." She holds up her hand to her chest. "That no amount of drinking or food or blood or warmth" Ally starts to get upset, tears on her cheeks. "Can fill...and I have to live with this feeling, this feeling of endless nothingness every single day" Ally gives Cassandra a sad look. "And I hope that you never have to feel this way...."

"I'm sorry you lost him" Cassandra whispers, a little upset herself. Because Ally's such a nice person and she lost everything because of Katherine.

"Me too" Ally agrees and shrugs. "But it happened and I can't change it...I can just hope that one day I will see him again" Ally shrugs again and pulls a face before changing the subject. "Would you like to watch a movie with me?" Ally asks her. "We can talk more if you want...."

"Sure" Cassandra agrees with a small nod. It would be nice to talk to her about what they can do.

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