Chapter Seventy-Three

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Elena finds Cassandra at lunch, perched on a bench outside with her textbooks. Doing a little homework whilst she eats her lunch. Though lunch is a stretch, it's a bag of chips and a chocolate bar. Elena sits across from her and watches as Cassandra scribbles away in a notebook.

"Caroline wants to have dinner tonight, maybe a late movie" Elena offers as Cassandra makes some notes for her homework.

"Okay," She answers, offhanded. Elena worries her lip and then sighs a little. 

"Actually, it's sort of a double date" Elena admits, Cassandra pulls a face as she looks up from her books.

"You want me to fifth wheel a double date?" Cassandra asks with a frown. "I don't know" She draws out.

"Not fifth wheeling" Elena argues. "Caroline has a plan" Cassandra gives her a look and tilts her head. She then realises just what that means and pulls a face.

"She's setting me up?" Cassandra counters. "Oh no, no way in hell"

"Come on, we're all worried about you, we just want to hang out, have some food, watch a movie....have fun" Elena offers, Cassandra sighs and closes her eyes. She supposes having 'fun' might cheer her up. The last week she's felt terrible. And taking a break to spend time with her friends might help.

"Okay" Cassandra whispers and nods. Reluctantly accepting. She's not sure she trusts Caroline's taste, but she just wants to spend a few hours forgetting everything. She opens her eyes. "But I get to set a limit. If I say so, I am going home" Elena nods in agreement.


There is a bundle of five purple hyacinths on Cassandra's pillow when she returns home. She shrugs off her bag and moves to pick up the flowers. They're beautiful and they smell great. But she has no idea who they're from. No one has ever gotten her flowers before. She lifts them to her nose and takes a breath. They really are beautiful. She grabs a glass of water from the side and sniffs at it. Fresh enough until later. She sets the flowers into it and then places the glass back on the side. There is a note after all. It's just folded in front of her television. She picks it up to read it. She pulls a face realising that the flowers are from Damon, his way of saying sorry. She grabs the glass and moves towards her window, using her powers to open the window before she throws the glass and the flowers outside. She doesn't want them in the house. She doesn't want his empty apology. She wants him to leave her alone. She backs away from the window and lets out a shaky breath.


Elena and Stefan are waiting on the porch when Cassandra leaves the house, ready for their triple date. That even sounds pathetic to her. She glances at them both as she pulls on her jacket. She really doesn't want to do this now. Cassandra gives them both an unsure smile. She hasn't really gone over the top. Skirt. Shirt. Boots. That's it. No real effort. She doesn't have the energy for it after those flowers and Damon. She can't believe him. What he did to Isobel and he thinks that some flowers are all it is going to take for her to be okay with it all.

"Any idea who it is?" She asks Elena who shakes her head.

"No, Caroline wouldn't tell me" Elena admits. "You look great though" She assures her sister who sighs.

"Let's just get this over with" Cassandra mumbles and passes them both to head to the car. Elena lets out a breath knowing that this is going to be a long night.


Cassandra shrugs out of her jacket as she walks into the Grill with Stefan and Elena. She sighs a little and runs her fingers through her hair. She's now extra nervous, she has no idea who this guy is that Caroline's bring. Cassandra knows she's weird. She tough to match up. She doesn't notice Damon at the bar, but he notices her. Of course, he does. She's wearing that damn skirt again. She looks great. He rests his chin in his hand, feigning interest in the conservation going on between Jenna and Kelly next to him, so he can watch her. Matt hurries towards Cassandra and gives her an apologetic look.

"Oh no," She whispers already knowing that if Matt is pulling that face it's not good. Elena cringes, agreeing with her.

"I didn't know she was going to do this" Matt tells Cassandra. "I'm so sorry" She moves around him to find Tyler sitting next to Caroline. Cassandra lets out a noise from her throat and turns to Elena.

"Can I strangle her?" She asks Elena who understands her frustration.

"Not in public" Elena warns and shares a look with Cassandra. "Just make it through dinner, you don't even have to talk to him...." She offers. Cassandra lets out a breath through her nose. "I'll pay for your meal" Elena adds, Cassandra raises an eyebrow. "And buy you a whole cherry pie tomorrow" Matt looks down and smirks a little. Cassandra hums a little.

"Fine, but I get to punch him tonight. Just once..." Cassandra points out. "In the balls" Matt lets out a laugh and covers it with a cough. Elena gives her a look. "It's a deal-breaker, Elena"

"Just..." Elena sighs and nods ahead. "Go sit down"


Cassandra drops into the empty seat across from Tyler, he sits up and smiles at her, Cassandra folds her arms over her chest and glares back at him. He frowns a little and then realises, he turns to Caroline.

"Thought you said she knew about this" He grumbles to the blonde.

"You really think she would have agreed if she knew you were going to be here?" Caroline counters as Matt sits with them, leaving space for Elena and Stefan at the ends. Tyler glances at Cassandra leans as far away as she can get from him. He sighs.



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