Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Ally sits with Elena in the Grill, the two of them side by side in a booth, and to say it is weird is an understatement, at least for Elena. This woman looks exactly like her sister but is not. It's a tough thing to get her head around. So she ends up just kind of staring at the woman.

"Stop staring" Ally scolds Elena who looks away from her.

"I'm sorry" Elena offers.

"I get it, this is weird....but I'm supposed to be your sister" Ally gives her a look and then takes a drink from her glass. "This is weird" Elena smirks a little and looks down.

"Yeah" She agrees. Ally looks at her softly.

"You're a lot nice than my sister" She whispers, Elena looks at her sadly. "She was a raging psychopath"

"I've heard" Elena agrees, Ally hums around her glass as she takes a drink. "I'm sorry she betrayed you and put you in the tomb" Elena offers. "And I am glad that something good came of that spell failing" Ally glances at her. "That you got out" Elena adds, Ally smiles at her. "Can I ask you something?" Elena asks, Ally raises an eyebrow at her. "You and Damon, did you never...?" Elena starts and gives Ally a look, Ally snorts and shakes her head.

"We flirted but" She shrugs. "It was only ever....what is it called?" She thinks and clicks her fingers. "Banter...." Elena nods. "I've been in love with the same person for...." Ally lets out a breath. "500 and something years that even Damon's pretty face couldn't erase him from my heart"

"So why didn't you go and find him?" Elena asks. "If he's out there somewhere"

"He's a long complicated story, but urm...yeah, here I am....and here he is not...." She shrugs and glances to the door as Isobel walks in. "Hmm showtime," She tells Elena as she sets her glass down, sliding her hand under the table to hide her daylight ring. Isobel sits across from them, her eyes moving between the two girls before settling on Elena.

"You look just like her, that's eerie" Isobel points out.

"You've met Katherine?" Elena asks.

"She found me after I turned. Genetic curiosity, I suppose. She would be fascinated by you" Isobel then looks at Ally. "By both of you" Elena looks at Isobel's necklace.

"Is that how you can walk in the day?" Elena asks.

"Katherine helped me obtain it."

"Who's our father?" Elena counters.

"Not important. He was a teenage waste of space"

"A name would be nice" Ally comments.

"It would, wouldn't it?" Isobel agrees with a smirk, her eyes going back to Eleena. "You ask a lot of questions"

"Why did you compel that man to kill himself? Right after he told Cas to stop looking for you."

"Dramatic impact. I wish it would have been more effective"

"Human life means that little to you?" Elena pulls a disappointed face.

"Means nothing to me. It's just part of being what I am" Isobel explains. Elena shakes her head.

"No, it's not. I know other vampires, that's not true" Elena defends.

"Your new boyfriend over there by the pool table? Stefan Salvatore. Why Stefan? Why didn't you go for Damon? Or are you enjoying them both like Katherine did?" Elena is shocked by the question. Stefan looks uncomfortable. Ally snorts out a laugh and Isobel shoots her a look.

"Sorry" Ally comments, not at all sorry. "I mean...Katherine had to compel both of them into loving her, so it doesn't really count...." She points out. Elena looks down and smiles. "She was just a dirty little tramp desperate for attention..." Stefan looks away from the girls to smile himself. "Because Daddy didn't love her enough, actually he didn't love her at all from what I hear" Ally then leans closer to Elena. "Plus I also hear that Damon has a thing for psychics" Ally teases with a wiggle of her eyebrows. Isobel just glares at her. Ally smiles brightly back at her as Elena bites her lip to stop herself from chuckling. "So..." Ally starts and leans back. "Why did you want to meet us? Can't be to just catch fun as this is" She teases.

"Because I'm curious about you both" Isobel tells them. Ally and Elena both give her a disbelieving look. "But the real reason is: I want what your uncle wants. Johnathan Gilbert's invention"

"How do you know our uncle?" Elena asks.

"I used to spend a lot of time here when I was younger. John had a crush on me for years. He was the first one that told me about vampires"

"So what made you want to be one?"

"It's a very long list of reasons, Elena. All of which I'm sure you've both thought about"

"No" Elena argues.

"That was your first lie. It's inevitable, you're going to get old, Stefan won't" Isobel points out. Elena looks at Stefan. He seems sad. "Forever doesn't last very long when you're human."

"I'm sorry but we don't have what you're looking for" Elena argues and then goes to get up. But Isobel catches her arm and forces her to sit down.

"Sit down" Isobel scolds and then Stefan makes a move towards them. "And tell your boyfriend to walk away. I want the invention"

"We don't have it" Elena counters.

"I know that but Damon does" Isobel points out, her eyes going to Ally. "And you're going get it for me, Cassandra"

"He's not going to give it to me" Ally argues with a shrug.

"Then the blood will be on your hands" Isobel warns, Ally pulls a face. "It was nice meeting you both" Isobel comments as she leaves. Ally pulls a face.

"Jeez what a wet towel" She comments and then looks at Elena who is now crying. Ally doesn't do crying. She's not very good at dealing with it. "I don't know what to do here" Ally admits and looks at Stefan for her. Stefan moves towards them. Bonnie enters the Grill and notices how upset Elena is. But just as she is about to approach her, she notices Stefan behind Elena and stops. Elena catches Bonnie's eyes and Bonnie shakes her head a little before leaving.

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