Chapter One Hundred and One

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In a classroom, Bonnie is leafing through Emily's spellbook, flicking through the pages, looking for something. Behind her, Cassandra walks into the room, tucking her phone away into her jacket pocket. Damon just checking in. Bonnie glances over her shoulder to look at Cassandra.

"Hey! Thanks for meeting me." Bonnie tells her.

"Of course" Cassandra assures her. "What's up?"

"I wanted you to see this," Bonnie admits, Cassandra hums a little as she looks at the book.

"Is that Emily's spellbook?" Cassandra asks as she sets her bag on the side and moves to join Bonnie.

"I've been going through it since Grams died. Check this out" Bonnie shows her the book.

"That's the vampire compass." Cassandra points out.

"Yeah, according to Emily, Johnathan Gilbert never actually succeeded in inventing anything. Emily secretly spelled them all with magic"

"Sneaky witch" Cassandra teases, Bonnie nods in agreement.

"Compass, rings and the mystery device you told me about." Bonnie then shows her a page from the book. The device is designed.

"Yeah, that's it. Well, a part of it. Damon only has the one-piece" Cassandra points out.

"Emily pledged her loyalty to Katherine. But she couldn't stand by and watch innocent people get killed. This was the only way she could think of to help. To let Johnathan Gilbert believe that he'd actually invented these devices"

"Does it say what it does?" Cassandra asks, Bonnie reads the page.

"Are you sure this is what Isobel wants?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Why?"

"This is a weapon. Against vampires" Bonnie admits, Cassandra is surprised. She frowns a little, because Bonnie is right, why would Isobel want a weapon that could take her out?


Cassandra watches Elena and Jeremy across the grass. Jeremy is not in a good mood and appears to be arguing with Elena. Cassandra rolls her eyes a little and turns around to leave, only to find that Isobel is standing right behind her. Cassandra groans and rolls her eyes.

"Isobel" She greets tensely. "What are you doing here?

"I'm your mother, Cassandra. I want to be more involved in your life" Isobel answers.

"Well tough shit, because I don't want you in my life" Cassandra counters.

"I understand that. You already have a lot of people that you care about but I've been studying. Let's see if I got this right" Isobel looks at Bonnie. "There is the witchy best friend, Bonnie. Gonna stay away from that one." She looks at Jeremy and Elena as Jeremy walks away from Elena. "Oh...sad little brother Jeremy and the twin sister Elena...obviously" She nods across at Caroline. "And there's Caroline...obnoxious Caroline. I got all of my info from her by the way. She had no idea who I was and she wouldn't stop yapping. Oh..." She looks at Matt. "And there's Matt, friend, Elena's ex, yappy's future ex"

"Look, you shouldn't be here. You need to leave" Cassandra threatens and holds out her hand to summon her powers.

"Ahaha" Isobel scolds. "Really want to risk using them?" Isobel then touches her own necklace. Cassandra pulls a face knowing just what she is implying. "Plus I have some friends here too. Look, you see that man over here, standing next to Matt by the Float?" Isobel points out. "His name is Frank, he's very handsome and he's also quite handy and he'd noticed that the axles are a little rusty which is very dangerous. So, all you have to do is apply a little bit of pressure and..."

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