𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲.

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| 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 ?! |

misumi and katsuki agreed that they both wouldn't mind having another child. but because their relationship lasted only a couple months it was clear that they weren't in any sort of rush with misumi being only twenty three. they simply just had sex whenever they wanted, not worrying about birth control or condoms. if another child was conceived they were totally fine with it because in the end it's what they wanted.

it was now october where fall has completely transitioned from the hot summer. misumi's head was stuck to toilet from her sudden morning sickness. and obviously this was sign of pregnancy which misumi would grab the usual stick she peed into waiting for a result. a few minutes have passed, she picked up the stick, taking a few breaths before seeing the two lines which meant she was positively pregnant once again.

she had called sick from work due to her never ending morning sickness but now it was time to pick up her son from school. as misumi walked down her usual path she wondered when she would tell the news to katsuya and katsuki. she wondered if katsuya would be actually happy to be having a sibling and being a big brother.

"mommmm you're lateee!!" she noticed there were no more kids beside her own kid who had been left alone waiting for his mother.

"sorry baby i wasn't feeling too well today." she apologized, bowing to the teacher who had to spend a little more time waiting for her last student to leave.

misumi and katsuya left the school hand in hand walking and enjoying the cool weather.

the mother and son duo entered their house only for misumi to run to nearest bathroom and puke what she had been holding in ever since picking up katsuya. this left the young blonde worried for his mother's health. he had never seen his mom sick ever in his life and now he was truly concerned for her.

katsuya stuck his head into the bathroom peeking at his mom still hurling her guts out in to the toilet. "mom are you ok?! want me to call dad?!"

"no! don't call your father I'll tell him later." she immeadiately replied not wanting to reveal anything to bakugo yet as she wanted to surprise him with the great news later. however, katsuya began to feel curious, just what exactly was his mom gonna tell his dad that was so secret that she didn't want him to know right away. "tell him what?"

misumi popped her head out from the toilet bowl looking straight at katsuya wanting to know just how he felt about all of this. "ne katsuya how do you feel about being a big brother?"

"ooo i think it would be cool!!" katsuya's eyes sparkled as he imagined himself playing with his younger sibling and protecting them like any big brother would.

"keep this a secret until i tell dad about this ok? I have a baby inside of me and you're gonna be a big brother when they come out." she pointed to her stomach feeling relieved that her son was very accepting of them having another child in house soon.

"ehhh really?!!!!"

"yes yes but make sure you don't tell dad ok? we're gonna throw him a surprise party later today. do wanna help me?"

"YESSS PARTY TIMEEE!!" misumi cleaned herself up before heading to the storage with katsuya following right behind her.

misumi then pulled out all the birthday decorations from the storage being careful not to overwork her body too much. she had prepared katsuki's favorite spicy curry meanwhile katsuya was left to blow balloons for the surprise party. they set up house taping up streamers and balloons all over the walls. they still had plenty of time due to bakugo's recent overtime at work so they set up the table placing their plates and utensils along with the many side dishes misumi had made to go along with her two curries, one mild & one flamin hot.

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