𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝘅.

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| 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 |

the 9 month mark was coming closer and closer as she was just a few more days to her deadline. she had pretty much spent most of her days on maternity leave with taking care of katsuya, cleaning, cooking, and other things that didn't require much energy or movement. her belly had grown rapidly fast over the course of her pregnancy and she was ready for her little girl to pop out at any moment.

misumi had started on dinner so it would be ready before her boyfriend came home from work. bakugo couldn't get a break from work, usually having to work overtime to fill out paperwork and work with his new interns.

misumi had started cutting all her vegetables before feeling her contractions kick in. she dropped everything she was doing allowing herself to breathe through the pain. but they had come back each time closing the gap between the intervals of contractions.

katsuya who was in the living room watching tv while playing with toys had heard his mother panting, trying to catch her breath. "mommm are you ok?"

"katsuya.... call your dad, tell him that it's an emergency!" katsuya ran to the table to grab his mother's phone finding his dad's contact. he dialed the number hoping he'd pick up as he usually and not be fighting some villain at this time.

"hey babe i'm on the way home now."


"alright katsuya just put your mom on the phone." the blonde had instructed his son while to remain calm himself even though inside he was clearly freaking the fuck out.

misumi picked up the phone, fighting through the pain as she sat on the couch. "katsuki i swear to fucking god if you're not here soon i'm gonna teleport to the fucking hospital!!"

"i know babe! just relax and breathe, i'm almost there so just stay on the call."

bakugo had parked the car swiftly into the driveway leaving the car running as opened the front door. he quickly picked up misumi, placing her in the passenger side of his car. then taking katsuya and the hospital bag they packed ahead of time, closing the door behind him in only a matter of minutes.

while waiting misumi had called the two sets of parents, telling them they needed to be at the hospital asap to see their new grandchild and take care of katsuya.

they arrived at the hospital where the doctors wasted no time placing her on a bed and rolling her to her room. she needed to wait for her belly to be dilated so it would be ready for labor. the pain was getting worse and happening more frequently as the time went on.

katsuki plopped a chair right next to misumi holding her hand and giving her reassuring words to fight through the pain.

"it's ok babe you'll be fine, this is your second pregnancy so you should already know what to expect. plus I'll be right here the entire ok? not like last time."

"I know but fuckkkkk it hurts, why did i say we can have more kids? this is literal hell, you're lucky i'm giving you more children, you jerk."

"i know, thank you though baby." he gave her a smile as he pulled her into a loving hug.

she pushed his chest lightly, looking into his eyes sternly. "we are not having anymore kids after this, i don't want to ever go into labor again after this."

the blonde nodded in agreement, even thought he secretly wanted at least one more kid. the doctors had come in noticing misumi was ready to push their new baby girl out.

| 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 |

after about 5 hours of labor misumi was now holding their baby girl who clearly had black hair that resembled misumi's. "katsuki look! she has my hair color! now we need to see what color eyes she has!"

"bet ya she'll have red ones just like me!"

she hadn't opened her eyes yet but they were both dying to see just what eye color would have, blue or red?

"god i hope not! i want one child to look like me for once!!!" misumi complained as her son didn't have a single ounce of her in him, being the obvious twin of his father.

the set of grandparents had come in with katsuya to which he ran up to his mom who was holding his new sibling. bakugo had held him up allowing him to see the new addition to the family who was peacefully sleeping in his mother's arms.

"look katsuya! this is your baby sister, isn't she just sooo cuteee!"

"yeahhh!!" the now seven year old was excited, having someone to play with would be sooo fun and he couldn't wait til she came home with them.

bakugo had gotten the attention of his son giving him an instruction as he continued to look at his sister. "katsuya you have to always protect your little sister ok?"

"i promise dad!"

their daughter had been passed around the room with the bakugo's holding their new child then the takeuchi's also taking a long look at the new girl.

the doctor that had helped misumi give birth had came in asking the million dollar question "so what are you gonna name her?"

the blonde had looked at the doctor in shock as they totally forgot to come to an agreement about her name. he was freaking out on the inside while misumi was completely calm.

"oh shit we didn't decide on a-" katsuki stated clearly frustrated before being cut off his girlfriend.

"katsumi! bakugo katsumi!" she loved the name that the blonde had came up with even if it was very similar to hers. but katsuki was more surprised at the fact that she wanted her to be a bakugo instead of her name, takeuchi.

"wait- you want her to have my name?"

"yeah, why not? i was gonna ask if i should change katsuya's last name to bakugo too anyways."

he was still confused, it wasn't like they weren't married yet. so why would she want to name them after him the first place. "why?"

"you're their dad katsuki, plus I see that you love our children and want to be in their lives. so i think your children deserve to have your last name." misumi reassured him as she held his hand.

her mother had grabbed her attention as she could see her daughters eyes opened in her grandmother's arms. "misumi! look she opened her eyes!!"

the ruby eyes which could see from a mile away had been revealed and it was to no surprise that her boyfriend was most  definitely correct. she had followed her brother's footsteps in collecting her father's genes.

"HAHA i told ya she'd have them!" the blonde boasted.

"there goes my chance of having a child that actually looks like me...." misumi laid back in defeat as she hoped that this child would be different.

"sumi-chan. you never know she could grow up to look like you!" mitsuki reassured her not having the same problem as her as her only child looks practically identical to her as well.

she sighed in defeat thinking she'd grow up to look like a girl version of her father with brown hair.

A/N: OKIEEEE newww chapter is done!!! I didn't  even know how I should right this as I not to sure how labor works but I practically over it anyways. but I hope you at least enjoyed the chapter and the new baby!!! I'll see ya in the next chapter ;)

𝟭𝟮𝟮𝟳 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀.

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