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| 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲 |

hii mom!!
me and suya are on the way

alright sweetie
I can't wait to see you both
love you

I love you too 🥰

It's been roughly about a 2 days since Katsuya began to be curious about his father. Misumi has been on edge since then whether or not she should fully explain everything to him or if he was too young and it should wait for later. She needed someone's opinion and she needed her parents. They knew everything she felt and experienced with the whole situation so they might give better advice.

"Ok ring the bell katsuya" as soon as the bell rang the door opened with two lovely grandparents ready to embrace their family.

"How are you sweetie? How's katsuya doing? How's his new school going as well?" Like always her mother bombarded her with never ending questions. But she couldn't complain, Misumi's been so busy with work and taking care of katsuya that she forgot to call her parents ever since they moved to Tokyo.

"Ah Katsuya is doing well, he's made some friends at school pretty easily. But I actually wanted to talk to you mom, I needed some advice on something. We can talk about it later when we're alone and dad can play with Katsuya in the mean time."

"Alright I hope it isn't anything bad." Her mother was always worried about her. And she loved this because she could always lean on her no matter if she was an adult and had her own kid. In her mother's eyes she was still her little girl.

After many hours of playing and fun times with the Takeuchi family, Katsuya began to grow tired so they just played a movie for him while he cuddled up to his grandpa.

"Alright mom, can I talk to you now? Seems that Katsuya will be knocked out pretty soon."

"Yeah sure. Let's head our bedroom." they headed to the fairly large master bedroom. They sat on the bed and got comfortable as they begun their conversation.

"So what's up sweetie, tell me what's on your mind."

"So I'm just going to get to the point, Katsuya asked me about Katsuki the other day and I'm not sure if should tell him everything."

"Well what exactly did he ask? And what was your answer to his questions?"

"Well, he asked me who is dad is and why we don't live with him. I told him that me and his father got into a big fight and I didn't tell him that I was pregnant with him. Then he started asking me what he looks like and if he's cool. So I answered that he looks like him and that he was a cool hero now. Though I'm scared I could've told him too much or if I should've even told him anything at all. But I didn't want Katsuya to hate his dad just because of what I think or said about him. I don't want to put those thoughts in his head that his dad abandoned him because he didn't."

"Well honey I do think he deserves to know about his father so I think you did the right thing. But I think the information you gave him was enough. I don't think there was a better answer. And it was good not to put any bias into your answer because Katsuya may want to meet his father later on and he shouldn't think his father is bad because in all fairness Katsuki was a good guy and he loved you with all his heart. And even if he may not feel that way now, I know for sure he doesn't hate you just like you don't him either." Misumi felt relieved. She did the right thing to tell her son, but she wasn't sure what she should do if he wants to meet his dad, how will she even contact him? She lost all connection with anyone from school as soon as she they graduated. She left the city to live with her parents without telling anyone about her situation.

"Ok thanks mom. But what will I do if Katsuya wants to see his dad?

"Hmmm well time can only tell. You follow your heart and do what you think is best for your son. If you think he could build a potential relationship with his dad then you can let him meet Katsuki. If you want to hold that meeting then go ahead, but keep in mind that this is your son's life and he may have his own opinion on it." Her mom was right. This is Katsuya they're talking about, if he wants to meet his dad then she'll try and make sure he can meet him. But this will also depend on Bakugo, if he'd be willing to believe that he actually has a son and if he wants to meet him.

"You're right mom. Thanks so much I would've never got it out of my head if it weren't for you. I'd still be doubting myself and I'm glad it's out. I love you mom." She pulled her mom into an embrace, glad that she asked her for advice.

"I love you too honey. I'll always be here for you."


A/N: wahhhh another chapter. It was kinda short but I still hoped you enjoyed it!! I can't wait for the next chapter~

𝟴𝟴𝟱 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀.

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