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| 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗸 |

Misumi and Katsuya were at the park with the Midoriya family. Katsuya and Erina were getting closer and closer everytime she saw them. The two parents were currently sitting on the bench with Misumi. They were just chatting and watching as their children play.

Later on, the set of parents see an explosion near the bench across from them. It made absolutely no sense, no one was even remotely near that bench. But to Misumi there had to be a reason. Why else would there be an explosion? The only kid who she would have that quirk would be her son. So she quickly ran over to her son as he was playing with Erina who was crouched down covering her head.

"Hey Katsuya baby. Are you ok? Did you make that explosion? I promise I won't get mad just tell mom." she could tell he was scared, but more than ever he was shocked that he could do that. He nodded at his mother's questions and tried to control the quirk as much as possible.

"Mommm I almost hurt Erina. I'm sorry mom, but it just came out of no where." He explained as he had tears in his eyes while his mother held him to her chest.

"I know it's ok baby. When we get home we'll put your hands in cold water so you don't sweat ok? But how did you move the explosion, did you teleport it?" He slowly nodded and she realized that he had both of their quirks, but she wondered if he could also teleport his body rather than just explosions.

"Hey sweetie can try and teleport like mom can? Try to do the same thing when you move the explosions but on your body."

"Ok I will try." He released from her arms and started to close his eyes. Then he transferred his body from the swings to the slides.

The Midoriya's were so surprised about his quirk. It was a powerful one, a mixture of his parents quirk. But how would Misumi teach him to control the explosions, she doesn't have Bakugo and she can't just ask him. She doesn't even know where he is or he doesn't even know he has a kid. But then an idea came up, she knew exactly who to ask.

"Hey Deku, do you still have those books you used to write in? The one about everyone's quirk. I don't know exactly everything about Bakugo's quirk so I'll need it to train him." She hoped he still had them, but if he didn't she would be totally shocked. He treasured his notebooks and was a total fanboy of quirks in high school so why wouldn't he keep them.

"Oh yeah I have them still. I can give you the notebooks with Bakugo's pages, I'll even put bookmarks for you!!"

"Ahhh thank you so much Deku!! We'll get going now I need to place his hands in ice cold water I don't need my house getting blown up. Bye guysss!!" She grabbed her son's wrist and started walking in the direction home.

He's growing up to be like his father everyday.
Jeez what am I going to do?

As soon as Misumi and Katsuya got home she took a bucket and filled it with water and ice. She placed his hands in the bucket to stop the sweating.

"Ok Katsuya you have to keep your hands in there. If your hands sweat they can explode but you are gonna have to learn to control it."

"How do I control it mom?"

"I'm not sure honey. But I can teach you how to teleport them and yourself but I can't teach you this. Uncle Deku is gonna give us a notebook about your quirk and maybe we'll see if we can help you control it. You just have to stay there until uncle Deku comes with the notebooks ok?"

"Ok mom but it's super cold. Can I take them out for a couple minutes?" Misumi nodded her head at his question.

About 20 minutes later, the doorbell rang and it was none other than Deku. Misumi quickly let him in the house to see Katsuya. She needed his quick thinking and he's probably seen Katuski the most. He grew up with him and seen his quirk almost daily.

"Cmon Deku. Katsuya is in the living room with his hands freezing."

"Hi Suya-kun I'm going to help control your quirk alright?" Deku crouched down to his level meeting his eyes preparing to spit out a lot of information and do a lot of thinking

| 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘸 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 |

"Alright sweetie turn your quirk on, but don't teleport it." He started holding his hand out in front of him and it started cracking in his hand.

"Ok now turn it off." He successfully stopped the explosions on his own will. That took longer than it should, but it was necessary. He was going to school the next day so Misumi didn't need a call from his school saying he can't control his dangerous quirk.

"YAY baby you did it!! I can teach you how to teleport another day, but at least you know how to turn off and on your explosions." She hugged his small figure.

The two walked Deku out the door and thanked him for his time and patience with teaching Katsuya how to control his father's quirk. They closed the door in front of him once he left and got ready for night. Misumi started tucking Katsuya into bed, placing his covers over him.

"Hey mom I have a question? If you have teleport then how come I can make explosions?" His curiousness has been getting larger and larger each day. He now knew some things about his dad and why he want around, but he wanted to know more.

"Well your father's quirk is explosion so you got both of quirks. So now you can teleport explosions and yourself. But right now it's time to go to sleep so maybe another day I will tell you ok? Goodnight Katsuya I love you!!" She hoped that he could learn to completely control and master his quirks when he was older, but for right now she knew she would have to teach everything, even the quirk she wasn't too familiar with the quirk herself. She tucked her 5 year old son under his blanket and kissed his forehead before leaving his bedroom.


A/N: And there it is folks Katsuya finally got his quirk. I didn't know how I wanted to combine Misumi and Katsuki's quirks so I just settled on teleporting explosions. That just made the most sense as a mixture. Hehe well I hope you enjoyed!! Be ready for the next chapter!!

𝟭𝟬𝟳𝟰 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀.

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