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| 𝗱𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀 |

bakugo, misumi and the kids were eating dinner as they watched katsuya's favorite show. the parents had gotten used to the life of now having two kids, with being on paternity leave for now 8 months. katsumi had been growing each and everyday, just getting chubbier and cuter by the second.

the kids had finished their eating and so had katsuya's show, but after the news channel would always play giving bakugo updates on the city and how the crime rates were now that he currently wasn't on duty.

"i understand that pro-heroes have their own lives and families, but with top 3; deku, ground zero and shoto all gone on paternity leave, the crime rates are starting to increase." the news anchor had said starting to show some stats on just how fast crime rates were increasing and that japan really needed their top 3 back. coincidentally all three of them had their kids around the same time leaving the country without their top 3, this left people worried about their safety if there was ever a villain attack.

"yeah, i can totally agree with you. i mean deku has been out for about a year now and then ground zero and shoto reaching almost 9 months off duty." the news anchors continued to talk about the subject while katsuki was deep in thought.

but deciding on when to go back to work was now on bakugo's mind, he had been having such a great time with his family. who would've thought he'd throw the idea of hero work out the window, the one thing he'd been training for his whole life had been pushed away all for his family. and to be fair, lately he's been getting calls from his agency asking when he'd come back to work because his interns were having a hard time keeping up with the paperwork and the patrolling all on their own. he didn't know what to tell them yet because he hadn't talked with misumi about it first so he'd always put it off, but now it seemed as if the universe was telling him to come back to work already.

misumi had been listening to the anchors conversation while cleaning up. but she had approached him taking a seat right next to him on the couch. "ne katsuki, are you really gonna go back to work soon?"

he perked his ears as his girlfriend took the words right out of his mouth. "i mean the agency has been asking me come back since like last week, but ya sure you'll be fine with the brats?"

"oh yeahhhh...! katsumi is gonna be one in like a few months. besides, not like you'll be missing much except... y'know her first words, her first steps.... y'know no big deal or anything... but yeah you can go to work no worries!" misumi had said in an obvious sarcastic tone. but to be honest she knew she would be fine taking care of the kids herself because she's done it before. but a part of her still wanted him to be there to witness everything. but she knew it wasn't realistic to begin with, with him being a top hero and all.

"see now you're not making it easy to leave now."  he retorted, rolling his eyes at her sarcastic statement.

"whatttt?? nooooo... i would never! besides it's not like I love having you here all the time with me and the kids.... yeah that's totally not it. but seriously all jokes aside i think you should go back to work if that what you want." she knew that eventually he'd have to go back to hero work so there was really no point of holding him back, but staying home with the kids and just enjoying life with him is want she'd wish they could do forever.

"y'know what babe, you'll be fine so i'll go back to work in like two weeks, alright?" he got up heading to their shared room as misumi grabbed katsumi following him. he started to pack his hero suit, misumi came in with katsumi as they followed him around the room giving him their puppy eyes. but the blonde still continued what he was doing.

"awww come on, honey...are you reallly gonna go back to work?"

he had rolled his eyes as continued to pack his bag with all his hero gear.

"what? you just said you'll be fine!!"

"i know butttt i'm just sad you won't be here all day and i'll be by myself all day... and you'll probably be working overtime..." misumi had been continuing to guilt trip him, but knowing that he'd most likely just stay with his decision being the stubborn ass he is. the blonde had stopped what he was doing grabbing his two girls in for a hug giving them both kisses to their foreheads. "baby, you'll be fine, i'll go back to work in like two weeks so I'll still be here."

then katsuya had come in seeing his dad with a fairly almost packed bag ready. "WAITTTT!! dad you're leaving!!! NOOOO!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! pleasseeee don't leaveeee!!" the seven year old had run, clinging to his dad's legs.

"jeez relax brat, i'm just packing so i can be ready when i go to work soon." the hero had maneuvered around the room with his son still clinging to his leg. and then the family was now back to square one. "y'know what honey? why don't you just wait 'til katsumi's one, huh?"

he sighed "sumi, i can't just sit here while the crime rates are going up. here i'll tell ya what, maybe i'll just ask my interns to work overtime and do some paperwork for me, I'll be home much earlier." the mother and son duo had nodded their heads in unison liking his plan.

they had both gotten so used to having bakugo around everyday. so for him to be back on the same old schedule they had before katsumi was weird and foreign to them. they didn't want him to leave even if it was just for work....

bakugo had finally made them agree so it time to call his agency and let them know.
"hello sir, did you need anything?" the young woman, his secretary had picked up the phone greeting her boss in a tense tone. "i'll be coming in two weeks, make sure those lazy ass interns of mine have everything ready and in top shape when get back." he demanded before hanging up the phone.

𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙 <—

A/N: helllooooo again, yes yes I am not dead!! ya'll I finally had some time to update!! kinda getting tired of this story tbh but maybe I'll just make more chapters til I really get sick of it and end it. I want to updat le as fast as possible but SCHOOL IS SOOOO DRAINING AND I HAVE NOOO TIMEEE!!! but yeahh...there's my little rant! I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and can't wait for the next one!!

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