IV. Remus Lupin

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Walburga Black had her hands planted firmly on Regulus's shoulders, leading him through the bustling crowd of people that filled Platform 9 ¾. Orion was standing next to Walburga and just behind Sirius, keeping a close eye on him. The family of Blacks stopped in an empty pocket on the platform, and Regulus and Sirius both turned around to face their parents.

"Remember what I said, Regulus." Walburga said in a warning tone, eyeing her son carefully.

"Yes mother." Regulus murmured, clasping his hands behind his back and looking anxiously at his mother.

"Good. And... you. Try not to shame the name of Black anymore than you already have." Walburga sneered at Sirius, staring down at him from the end of her pointed nose.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Sirius said in a sarcastic tone, and Regulus side-eyed him to see the smug look on his face.

Walburga reached for her wand, but Orion quickly caught her hand. "We don't need to give the Ministry even more of a reason to watch us, Walburga," he used his head to gesture discreetly towards the man that both of the Black parents knew as Bartemius Crouch, the head of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry.

Reluctantly, Walburga drew her hand away from her wand and lifted her chin, looking back at her sons. "Have a good year, Regulus. Be a good example of who the Blacks really are."

"Oh, come on, you can't expect him to just torture students left and right, can you? Mighty high expectations you're setting for the little blighter." Sirius said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Sirius Orion Black," Orion said, his voice filled with hatred. Regulus saw him instinctively reach for his wand, but he quickly drew his hand away. "How dare you speak to us like that. Never have I been more humiliated to have my name attached to someone so... despicable."

Sirius scoffed. "You act like I chose my middle name."

"Sirius," Regulus muttered under his breath, recognizing the haughty attitude that Sirius was exerting.

Sirius, recognizing the fear that lilted his little brother's voice, immediately stopped speaking. Orion seemed pleased by this, but he still stared with utter hatred at his oldest son.

"Make us proud, Regulus," Orion said, staring squarely into Sirius's eyes.

"Yes, father." Regulus said, turning his head so that he was staring up at Orion.

Orion Black continued to sneer down at Sirius, until a wave of smoke billowed from the crimson train, filling the platform. "Have fun in Slytherin, Regulus." Walburga said as a goodbye, emphasizing the word "Slytherin" to get her intentions fully into her son's mind.

"Yes mother, I will," with that, both brothers turned around and pushed their trolleys along the platform, away from the looming figures that were the Black parents.

They were silent as they weaved their way through the crowd of sniveling parents, until Regulus felt that they were a safe distance from Orion and Walburga.

"Why must you always push them?" Regulus asked.

"What are you talking about, Reg? I do nothing of the sort," but Regulus could hear the smile as he said the words.

He sighed and stared down at the trunk that was being pushed around on his trolly, his eyes roving along the tiny indented lines in the leather. "They hurt you because you talk back," he muttered.

"They're going to hurt me anyways. Family disappointment, remember?"

But Regulus didn't laugh. Quite the opposite, actually, he felt tears pricking his icy grey eyes. "Why couldn't you just be sorted Slytherin like the rest of us?"

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now