LXXXV. Christian Thibodeaux

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Chapter Notes: I dropped out of French after one year, so I'm using google translate for most of the French dialogue. If any of it is wrong, I apologize.

Much to Regulus's surprise, when they reached their destination, they landed in a patch of cold grass. It wasn't damp, per se, just cold.

Regulus stood from where he had stumbled to the ground, and he brushed off his clothes. He looked around, and was very confused to see nothing but a small, circular clearing surrounded by trees.

Lucius and Narcissa looked just as confused, and Matthieu and Lisette gave them a smile. "This is not where we will be staying," Lisette began, "do not fret. Follow us."

Narcissa, Lucius, and Regulus followed them without hesitation. Where they were heading, they weren't exactly sure. However, they trusted that Matthieu and Lisette knew where they were going. And, just like they had expected, they broke through a line of trees and stumbled upon a path at once.

They walked down the path, the orange evening light slowly fading away as they made their journey. The trees seemed to get darker as the light died down, and small lightning bugs began to flicker on and appear in the thick of the forest around them. When they finally reached their destination, the sun was almost completely gone beneath the horizon. Though, as Regulus looked around, he saw several jars with everlasting fire inside, all floating around to light the area.

Matthieu led the the group towards a small desk where there sat a very bored-looking man. Although, at the sight of Matthieu, he perked up, and a wide grin spread across his face. "Matthieu! Bonjour, mon ami!"

"Bonjour!" Matthieu replied, and he turned to the rest of the group. "This is my friend, Aurélien. He is a coworker of mine at the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France," Matthieu explained.

"Nice to meet you," the others chorused, while Lisette leaned over the desk and gave Aurélien a kiss on either cheek. "Je suis ravi de vous revoir," she said.

"Toi aussi, toi aussi," Aurélien responded.

He turned down to the book in front of himself, and then back to the group. "Names?"

"Dieudonné and Malfoy," Lisette responded.

Aurélien nodded, and he scanned the book. Finally, he ticked off two names with a quill, and he gestured down the path. "The campsites are down there. Dieudonné will be in 148, and Malfoy has 150."

"Merci, Aurélien," Matthieu said, and he gave his friend a nod.

Aurélien waved a dismissive hand, and the group continued down the path. Regulus wasn't sure exactly where they were headed, but he was made aware when they rounded a corner and hundreds of campsites came into view.

They passed through a middle path which had been labelled '100-200'. Regulus looked 'round at all of the families that they passed, looking for anyone that he may recognize. He recognized two people from Hogwarts - a sixth year Ravenclaw and a third year Hufflepuff - but no one else.

He was very nervous about who he may recognize when they reached their campsite, but he had decided to suppress this fear. For, there was absolutely no way that-

"James, Sirius, put the poles in the ground! In the ground!" Came a booming voice that was so similar to James Potter's, it sent a chill down Regulus's spine.

"WE ARE TRYING TO PUT IT IN THE GROUND!" A carbon copy of Regulus's voice shouted back.

"Yeah, dad, it's not going!" A younger version of the voice from before called.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now