LXXVII. Insanity or Death That Caused the End

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"Avada Kedavra!"

Regulus Black had a plan.

He waited for the words to leave the mouth of the Professor before acting.

He grabbed Francesco and pushed him out of the way of the green sparks, narrowly missing the spell himself. When he was sure that Francesco was still alive and breathing, he did the only thing that he could think to do without a wand as a means of defense.

He punched Professor Wilson in the face.

Francesco was utterly bewildered by what had just happened. However, luckily for the both of them, Regulus was still in a good enough headspace to act.

He grabbed Francesco and dragged him towards himself, wrapping Francesco's arm around his own shoulders and going as fast as he could while still supporting the other boy. Francesco, with the adrenaline coursing through his veins from what had just happened, was able to move at quite a faster pace than before.

This was very lucky indeed, seeing as how their lives quite literally depended on it.

Regulus was dragging the two of them in all different directions, making random turns this way and that, trying to throw off the man who he knew was bound to be following them still. He could hear the crunching footsteps, and the snapping of twigs, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"What are you doing?" Francesco hissed, and he moved to continue on.

Regulus stopped him. "He'll hear us!" He said, his voice just above a breath.

Francesco took Regulus's advice, and he stayed completely still. The two boys were clinging onto each other for support, both trembling with fear, unsure if they would be able to stand without the help of the other. The footsteps of their Professor were coming closer - as though he knew exactly where they were.

"Come on, boys!" Came the voice of Professor Wilson, lilted with a certain level of insanity that Regulus suspected would probably match that of Bellatrix. "This will all be a lot easier if you just come out!"

Regulus squeezed Francesco's arm harder, and he flattened himself more against the tree behind him. "Boys, come on! You're really starting to annoy me!" His voice echoed through the trees, and it sent shivers down Francesco's spine.

Though, much to the relief of Regulus and Francesco, the footsteps seemed to be getting further. When they felt that they were far enough away for a safe escape, they started to walk with one another, going slowly and stepping gingerly to be sure that they didn't make too much noise.

With the adrenaline coursing through Francesco's veins increasing, the pain in his ankle was practically gone. It was gone enough, at least, that he could walk without the help of Regulus. Even then, though, the boys kept their arms linked tightly so as to be sure that they remained together.

"Which way is the castle?" Francesco whispered after he felt that Professor Wilson was a safe enough distance away.

"Professor Wilson came from this direction, it's the only lead we have," Regulus whispered back, trying to see through the darkness around him.

That was good enough for Francesco. So, the boys carried on through the thick forest, pausing every few seconds to listen for the footsteps of the other man. Much to their dismay, they always seemed to be within hearing distance.

Regulus's entire body was trembling with fear. If he made it out of this forest alive, it certainly would not be for long. He knew that Professor Wilson would be likely to tell the Dark Lord about what he had told Regulus, and Regulus also knew that, if the Dark Lord were to find out that he was possibly more like Sirius than his parents, that he would be as good as dead. However, this didn't stop his motivation to make it out of the forest alive. Or, at least, to help Francesco make it out alive.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now