LXXXIV. Place Cachée

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Chapter Notes: I dropped out of French after one year, so I'm using google translate for most of the French dialogue. If any of it is wrong, I apologize.

Regulus got his school things, and he packed a bag for the Quidditch World Cup.

He had asked Narcissa to place an undetectable Extension Charm on his bag so that he could just bring that, rather than bring his entire trunk, and she did so happily. He wasn't bringing much to the Cup - just some clothes, a few books to read in case the game lasted too long and he got bored, and some of the summer homework that he had yet to start.

When the morning 4 August arrived, Regulus awoke with the sun. He was so excited that he couldn't even fathom the thought of waking up any later.

Hastily, Regulus dressed into his clothes for the day, made sure he had everything packed, and stowed his wand in the pocket of his trousers. The handle stuck out a bit, but Regulus thought that this would make it quite easy to draw in the case that he would need to.

Regulus left the room, bag bouncing against his hip with every step that he took. When he had reached the halfway point on the staircase which led down to the ground floor, he could hear chatter filtering out from within the dining room.

Regulus finished his walk down the stairs and walked towards the room with a bounce in his step that he only got when he was truly thrilled. However, when he passed through the grand archway and into the dark dining room, his excitement quickly deflated.

Narcissa and Lucius were whispering hastily to one another, and they did not look pleased. They both broke away from the conversation and looked up at the sound of Regulus's entrance, plastering smiles onto their pale faces and separating.

"Morning, Regulus! How are you doing today?" Asked Narcissa, her grin unusually wide.

Regulus dropped down into the seat across from her, taking off his bag and dropping it into the seat beside him. He eyed the both of them suspiciously. "I'm fine... is something wrong?"

Narcissa and Lucius eyed one another, as though they were trying to decide whether or not to share something with Regulus. Regulus looked between them, noticing the body language that almost suggested that they were having an argument with their eyes.

Finally, Narcissa ceded, and Lucius reached out a hand. He gripped that day's copy of the Daily Prophet, and he handed it to Regulus with a look of distaste on his face. Regulus furrowed his brow, and he picked up the paper. As he read the article on the front page, he felt his blood run cold.

As of late, You-Know-Who has become quite the threat. He has been increasing attacks, as well as increasing his victim pool. He is no longer sticking to just muggles and muggle-borns, he has now expanded his possible victims to include half-bloods, as well as pure-bloods and half-breeds who refuse to work with him.
With the threat of a war looming closer and closer each day, the wizarding world as a whole has taken to demanding that a new Minister be appointed. The current Minister - Eugenia Jenkins - has done nothing to prevent He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named from gaining followers and power. In fact, ever since her initial entrance into the position, she has made nothing but empty threats.
With the return of Hogwarts students in late June, rumors have been spread from student to parent, and parent to Ministry. It has come to the attention of the Ministry that, back in early June, two students were attacked on the grounds of Hogwarts by a Death Eater (see page 12 for full story). It has also come to light of the public that Eugenia Jenkins knew of this attack, and she did not publish it for the world to see. Instead, she kept the story hidden, hoping that it would fizzle out.
The wizarding world has taken to demanding a new Minister. As of now, it looks like we will be facing the immediate impeachment of Eugenia Jenkins. Who will be filling her position is undecided as of now, but Harold Minchum - current Head of the Hit Wizard Division - is looking quite promising.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant