XXXVIII. Acquaintances

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Slytherin lost their match against Ravenclaw by ten points.

Their new Seeker hadn't caught the Snitch, but Ravenclaw's Keeper was off of his game the day of the match. Slytherin scored goal after goal after goal, but Ravenclaw's Seeker caught the Snitch just in the nick of time. Gillian and Carson were both fairly upset about the loss, but they didn't let it affect them too much. In fact, the night of the match, Barty, Regulus, Carson, and Gillian all spent the night in the common room.

They played Gobstones and Wizard's Chess in teams of two, they talked, they laughed, and they even played a game called Charades that Barty told them about. According to him, it was a muggle game that his old nanny, who had been a half-blood, played with him when he was very young. They played in two teams, Barty and Regulus v. Carson and Gillian, and Barty and Regulus won.

On Monday, 28 January, Regulus was in the hospital wing first thing in the morning. Madam Pomfrey wasn't at all surprised to see him there so early, and was even standing by a bed for him to sit on when he arrived.

"Well, I am very pleased to say that it looks normal. Hasn't recurred. Looks like nothing even happened at all," she withdrew her hands from where she was carefully examining the skin of Regulus's back. "I'd say that you-"

"Can I play Quidditch again?!" Regulus asked, excitement coursing through his veins.

"Yes, I'd say that you should be able to play Quidditch."

Regulus Black was practically jumping up and down with excitement as he slipped his uniform back on. "Thanks, Madam Pomfrey!" He ran out of the hospital wing, still pulling on his vest, Slytherin tie draped loosely around his neck, and robes flung over his left arm.

Poppy Pomfrey shook her head, a smile quirking the corners of her mouth as she neatened up the bed that Regulus had been occupying mere seconds before.

"I CAN PLAY QUIDDITCH AGAIN!" Regulus shouted, dropping down on the bench next to Barty and across from Gillian and Carson.

Carson let out a whopping shout of excitement. "We'll win the next match for sure! HEY, YOU HEAR THAT, HUFFLEPUFF? REGULUS IS BACK, WE'RE GOING TO BEAT YOUR A-" he had stood up from the table and was shouting directly at the long table of Hufflepuff's.

"MR. NOTT!" Slughorn called from the table, though his voice was more jovial than angry.

Carson plopped back down onto the bench, though his happiness didn't die down. "We're going to win for sure! Especially with our star Seeker back!"

Regulus was grinning ear to ear.

Regulus sat down at the four person desk in Potions. Deacon, Benji, and Fran were all there already, and Benji and Fran were deep in conversation about something that they had read in the Daily Prophet that morning. Deacon, on the other hand, turned his full attention to Regulus the second that he sat down.

"You're back on the team?" Deacon asked in a friendly manner.

Regulus looked up from the table, his eyes meeting Deacon's. He nodded his head. "I was never off of it. But yeah, Pomfrey cleared me this morning. I can play in the match against Hufflepuff in March."

Deacon smiled at him. "Congratulations."

Regulus nodded his head. "Yeah, thanks."

Deacon turned back to his two best mates, who hadn't noticed that Deacon was talking to Regulus at all. Regulus looked at the smaller boy, studying him.

In the hospital wing, Regulus had had a lot of time to think. Or, rather, he had a lot of time away from Severus Snape. He was able to think about what Barty had said to him just before Evan Rosier hexed him.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now