XLVII. The Malfoys

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I've talked with your parents, and they believe that it would be ok for you to come spend a few days with Lucius and I! If you would like to, of course. We've organized for 16-21 July. I do hope that you come, I think that it would be a lot of fun.

Narcissa Malfoy

Regulus read the short letter over and over again as he sat on the edge of his bed, bags already packed beside him. He was absolutely ecstatic to be spending a few days with his cousin at her new home. He would be away from his parents, away from the constant pressures that they were putting on him, and, most importantly, away from Sirius.

Kreacher suddenly appeared at the foot of Regulus's bed. "Hello, Master Regulus! Kreacher is being sent to get your things." Kreacher said, and he gave Regulus a smile which he probably thought would look comforting.

Regulus smiled back. "Thank you, Kreacher. My bags are right here," he pointed to the three bags that were sitting on the ground.

Kreacher nodded and climbed off of Regulus's bed, gripping all three of his bags and disapparating with a snap. Regulus stood from the bed and slipped on his shoes, deducing that he would likely be leaving soon.

As Regulus reached for his wand - which was rested on his bedside table - he thought about the two photos that were stowed safely in the corner of his drawer. Ever since he had received them, he would look at them every single night before drifting off to sleep. They came as a comfort to him. Though, they also served as a torment - they showed Regulus what he could never have.

Regulus reached for the handle of his drawer, intending to grab the pictures and bring them with him, but his bedroom door was suddenly opened. He quickly withdrew his hand from the drawer and turned around with rosy cheeks, as though he had been caught doing something.

Sirius Black stood in the door frame, looking his little brother up and down. He noticed the outfit and the shoes that Regulus was in, and he nodded his head slowly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "So, it's true then? You're going to Narcissa's?"

Regulus glared at him, also crossing his arms. "Why do you care?" He demanded.

Sirius smirked, and he held his hands up in front of himself. "Woah, calm down. It was just a question."

"Ok, well I don't need you asking me questions, Sirius." Regulus snapped.

The two brothers stared angrily at one another, eyes narrowed, arms crossed, and demeanors those of defensiveness. Regulus was the one to break the hostile silence. "Are you done, or are you blocking the ruddy doorway for no reason?"

Sirius rolled his eyes and took a step forward and off to the side, gesturing for Regulus to step out onto the old and decrepit landing beyond. "Be my guest."

Regulus made sure that he still had his wand, and he walked indignantly past his brother. Once Regulus was out of the room, Sirius followed behind, shutting the door. The two brothers crossed the landing together in silence, only splitting off when Regulus reached the stairs and began to descend the case.

The stairs were letting out groans and creaks with every step that the boy took, and Regulus was gripping onto the bannister just in case one of them decided to give out. It was only when he was a few steps down that Sirius spoke again.

"Just don't come back with a Dark Mark," he remarked, his voice laced with contempt.

Regulus let out an irritated sigh. "I'm not going to come back with a Dark Mark, you imbecile." He stated, not even bothering to turn around or stop on the stairs.

"Can never be too careful with people like you," Sirius shot back, and the next thing that Regulus heard was Sirius's bedroom door being slammed shut.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now