XVIII. Remus Lupin's Secret

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The next morning, Dumbledore announced the resignation of their Defense teacher. This meant that, for the rest of term, all DADA classes would be cancelled, and all Defense exams (for everyone except O.W.L and N.E.W.T students) would be cancelled.

Everyone was ecstatic about the cancellation of class and exams, but they were all quite sad to hear that Milo Bell wouldn't be teaching them Defense for the next year.

The Slytherin's, however, were over the moon with joy. The Defense teacher was finally gone!

Regulus Black was less happy about the news.

He didn't know why, but losing Milo Bell as a teacher just felt like such a... well, a loss. He had just felt so... connected with the teacher. Sure, he wasn't exactly the biggest fan, and he knew that he should've hated him because of how much the other Slytherin's did, but he didn't.

Nevertheless, Regulus tried to enjoy his last few weeks at Hogwarts as best he could.

It was on Thursday, 14 of June that Regulus noticed the first odd thing about his brother that he had in months. He had been doing his best to avoid any thoughts of Sirius, for the fear that he would cave and try to speak to him. For Regulus was still longing to have a friendship with his brother again - sometimes, he felt it was what he wanted most.

But he couldn't. He couldn't be close with Sirius, he couldn't talk to him, and he had to hate him. He had to hate him.

So, he tried his best not to think about him.

But this day was different.

He glanced at the Gryffindor table at dinner - as he did everyday, though sometimes it felt involuntary. Instead of the normal stomach-twisting feeling longing that would usually fill him up, he was overcome by curiosity. Remus Lupin was missing from the table yet again. Regulus studied the state of Sirius and his two other mates; James and Sirius weren't really eating, merely just pushing food 'round their plates.

Regulus furrowed his brow. This had to have been the tenth time that Remus Lupin had been missing, and no one seemed to be giving it a second thought. Where did Remus Lupin go?

Regulus wanted to find out.

So, he stood up from the Slytherin table without any further questions and made his way towards the Slytherin common room. When he reached his dormitory, he closed the door and locked it using Colloportus.

Regulus paced for a few moments, trying to decide what the best plan of action would be. He narrowed it down to two options: ask Sirius or find out himself. He obviously chose the second one, so then the question became how?

He sat down on the edge of his bed and thought for a moment until it finally hit him. He promptly stood up and lifted his mattress, pulling out The Art of Occlumency. He had nearly forgotten that the book was under there, and he was quite grateful that he had remembered; even if it didn't help, at least he would remember to pack it now.

He flipped to the table of contents and ran his finger down the page, hastily reading the names of the chapters. When he was finished, he was very upset to realize that there was absolutely nothing about learning Legilimency - only Occlumency. He sighed and shut the book, stowing it safely back underneath his mattress for the time being.

Regulus laid back and placed his hands on his stomach, staring at the darkness above him. School would be ending in exactly two weeks - he only had two weeks left at Hogwarts. Only two weeks away from his parents. Only two weeks away from the pressures and standards that his parents were putting onto him.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now