CI. Disappointment to Me

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Chapter Notes: the note is written in French
CW: suicidal thoughts & emetophobia

Regulus and Christian were sitting beneath the willow tree by the pond.

It was New Year's Day, less than twelve hours from the last time that they had been together. Regulus, for his part, was much less tired than he had been the night before. When he had gone home, he was so emotionally exhausted that he had fallen asleep with little trouble, waking up a mere thirty minutes before he was set to meet Christian.

He hadn't had the time to shower, and he instead simply brushed his teeth, combed through his hair, changed his clothes, and left. And now, here he was - wrapped in Christian's arms with his head rested on his shoulder and a feeling of comfort and fondness twisting his stomach and warming his chest.

Christian let out a deep sigh, tightened the grip that he had on Regulus's waist, and buried his face into the nape of Regulus's neck, his breath tickling the skin there and bringing a faint smile to Regulus's lips. "How are you feeling?" Christian mumbled, his lips moving against Regulus's coat which was muffling his voice.

"Alright," Regulus responded, resting his cheek on Christian's head and crossing his arms over Christian's.

"Really?" Christian questioned.

Regulus gave a minimal nod. "Really."

He truly did feel alright. As it turned out, talking about how he was feeling and having someone listen to him without judgment did, indeed, make him feel much better. Sure, he had had his fair share of mental negativity whilst trying to fall asleep the night before and trying to wake up the following morning, but at that moment, he felt alright. And, at least for now, that was enough.

Christian smiled a bit and lifted his head, planting a gentle kiss on the exposed skin of Regulus's neck. He also knew that Regulus's state of feeling alright would not last forever. However, he hoped that the fact that Regulus was feeling ok right now meant that he was getting better - albeit slowly. Christian could do nothing but be there for Regulus and hope against all hope that Regulus would get better eventually, and his state of feeling alright would become permanent.

Regulus let out a breathy laugh and squirmed a bit from the feeling of Christian's lips against his neck, and Christian gave a wide smile that reached his eyes. Regulus smiled, too, and he relaxed further into Christian's embrace. For that moment, at least, they were happy, and they were carefree, and they were full of warmth and love.

This, though, would not last long.

There was a loud crack in front of them, and someone apparated just feet away. Luckily, their back was turned when they had first shown up, and Christian and Regulus had time to separate from one another before whoever this was saw. Regulus looked at the person with confusion and fear welling up inside of him, but there was also a bit of recognition.

This recognition made sense when the person spun around, and a wide grin spread onto their face. "LITTLE BLACK! THERE YOU ARE, YOU LITTLE TOSSER! C'MERE, I'VE MISSED YOU!" Carson Nott walked to Regulus with a step that reminded him quite a lot of a skip, and he hauled Regulus up from the ground and into a tight embrace. "MERLIN, I'VE MISSED YOU!" He exclaimed again.

Christian watched them with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Dois-je être jaloux?" He asked.

Regulus felt his cheeks heat up, and he carefully extracted himself from Carson's hug. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Carson was staring curiously at Christian, but he quickly looked back to Regulus when he spoke. "Oh, well I was sent to find you. You made it quite a hard task, by the way. I had to go to your house and talk to your parents - it was the scariest fucking thing that I've ever done in my life. I swear, your mother was gearing up to Hex me-"

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