LXII. I Wish You Weren't

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Deacon and Francesco did not speak once for the rest of break; they weren't even looking at each other. In fact, the only times that they were really near enough to each other to talk was when they were in the dorm room, which both boys avoided until they needed to fall asleep. They were even sitting apart at breakfast. Everything was off, and they were both just scared of what would happen when Benji returned from holiday.

Regulus Black hadn't slept. Not a single wink of sleep had been had by the boy since returning from Malfoy Manor - he was much too afraid. He hadn't gone to the Manor for dinner, either, seeing as how he was afraid to ask his parents for permission. So, he stayed locked up in his room for seven days, drinking mug after mug of coffee, just hoping that it would be enough to get him through until his return to Hogwarts.

So, it was on the morning of 3 January that Regulus left his room for the first time.

He had only brought a bag home for the holidays, which hung over his shoulder. He descended the staircase carefully, not wanting to make too much noise; he didn't want to alert the wrong person of his approach. However, just as he had feared, as soon as he stepped off of the last step-

"Ah, hello, Regulus," a raspy voice drawled, and Regulus's muscles went tense. He turned around slowly, carefully, and met the black eyes of the Dark Lord; he noticed that they had more of a red tinge to them today than the last time he had been this close to the man.

"My lord," Regulus said, keeping his voice as steady as possible.

The Dark Lord looked Regulus over in amusement. "Off to school, are you?"

Regulus nodded his head. "Yes, my lord. I'm to be returning to Hogwarts from holiday break today."

"I see..." the Dark Lord nodded his head slowly. "And, you have been one of the ones helping me execute my plan, have you not?"

"I have," said Regulus solemnly.

The Dark Lord looked Regulus over in satisfaction. "You know, Regulus," he began, speaking slowly, "I would say that you're on track to be one of my most loyal followers."

"I will be, my lord," Regulus assured him, only just managing to keep his face stone-cold.

"Yes... I'd even go as far as to say that you'll be getting the mark before your sixth year."

Regulus felt fear coursing through every single one of his veins; that was only three years away! Surely, he wouldn't have to get the mark until he was 18 like all the rest of them? Right? If he just talked to his parents?

But no, of course his parents wouldn't stop Regulus from becoming an official Death Eater at 16. To them, it would be the greatest honor. Which meant that it could either be an honor to Regulus, or he could let down his parents. Regulus really didn't want to let down his parents.

"That would be amazing, my lord," replied Regulus.

The Dark Lord looked at Regulus in silence for a few moments, and then he cocked his head sightly to the left. "You've been learning Occlumency," he commented.

Regulus nodded his head slowly; there was really no point in denying it. "I have."


Regulus had never come up with a lie so fast in all of his life. "I believe that Dumbledore is a Legilimens, and I didn't want to risk him looking into my mind and finding out about the plan."

The Dark Lord gave him an impressed look. "I didn't think you would be able to learn Occlumency, even if you tried."

"Why not, my lord?"

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now