LXVI. The Oddity of Professor Wilson

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CW: mention of child abuse

Regulus Black had never been so fast to grab a copy of the Daily Prophet.

He stood from his seat and rushed down the table, snatching the paper from one of the fifth year girls, and hurrying back to his seat. He read the article as quickly as he could.


You Know Who attacked London in yesterday's mid-afternoon hours. His followers had been stationed around the houses of several, and they all moved in unison - there were too many for aurors to stop.
Like past attacks, You Know Who ordered his followers to kill almost every single occupant, but spare one. We believe that the ones he is sparing and taking are being taken into his ranks - whether that be with his army of werewolves, or his army of Death Eaters.
However, unlike past attacks, he only attacked houses of muggles. There were no witches or wizards involved in yesterday's attacks, aside from the attackers, and the aurors who were sent to stop them.
Thirteen were killed in yesterday's attack (see page 9 for names of photos of the victims), but we were luckily able to avoid more. One man was killed, but the rest of his family had luckily decided to leave just before the attack occurred. This man also happens to have a son attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so it is lucky that this boy was away at school instead of home with his late father.
The Minister for Magic put out a statement this morning from her office. "The man who calls himself the Dark Lord is nothing but a coward hiding behind an army of psychopaths," says Eugenia Jenkins. "I can assure you, we are doing our best to prevent more attacks. We have been heightening the amount of aurors on duty at all times, along with the number of guards present at Azkaban Prison.
"I can promise all of you, you are safe. It may not seem like it, but you are."
Witches and wizards across the community are outraged by this statement. As of right now, there is an emergency election in the cards for this summer - we need to get Eugenia Jenkins out of office, and get in someone who will act properly.

Regulus finished the article with no idea as to what had caused Deacon's cry. And, why had McGonagall come to get him? What was that about?

When it hit him, however, he really didn't want to believe it. Though, he knew that he had no choice but to check. He did something that he had never done before, and he turned to the page of victims.

As he read down the list and looked at the photographs, he could feel dread washing over him like an egg had been cracked atop of his head. Surely, he was wrong. There was no-

But no, there it was.

Chester Ackland - father of Deacon Ackland, third year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Regulus felt his heart drop - the prying of the Dark Lord into his mind suddenly seemed a lot worse. Regulus couldn't help but feel that Deacon's father being killed had been his fault. If he hadn't answered him - if he hadn't told him Deacon's name - then perhaps he would have been fine.

Then again, however, Regulus couldn't help but think of the confession that Deacon had made to him. His father hit he and his siblings. So, perhaps it wasn't as bad as it could have been. 

Though, even as he said that, Regulus thought of his own father. Sure, Orion Black used the Cruciatus Curse on Regulus, but he knew that he would still be sad if he was killed. He was still his father, after all.

"What's the paper say today?" Asked Gillian, taking a bite of her eggs and looking towards Regulus.

"Hm? Oh - uh - just another attack, is all." Regulus replied, and he handed the paper to his two friends.

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