LXIV. I Need You to Understand That

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CW: mention of child abuse

Monday's classes passed in a blur.

In Care of Magical Creatures, Kettleburn started the grindylow lesson. Regulus was paying extra attention to the lesson, and even already started taking notes for the essay that they would inevitably need to write.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Wilson was acting rather strangely - almost paranoid. He assigned them an essay, which was rather uncommon for the class. He also kept looking over his shoulder and glancing at the door, as though he were expecting someone to come in and attack him at any second. It was odd, and Regulus didn't know what was going on. However, he dropped it.

Charms was normal. The class was working on perfecting their Banishing Charms, and Regulus kept catching Barty stealing glances towards Phoebe Scott.

In Potions, Slughorn was giving them an overview of the potion that they would be brewing on Friday.

Finally, in Ancient Runes, they turned in their Rune translations and were given yet another set. Regulus was quite overwhelmed by the class, and he thought briefly of Lucius Malfoy's offer over the summer. Regulus would need to write to him, he thought.

And so, by the time dinner was ready, all of the third years were thoroughly bored. "I thought we'd have a little bit of a more exciting day," Barty muttered, dropping down next to Regulus and across from Gillian.

"Didn't have a good first day back?" Asked Gillian, cutting off a bit of the chicken which she had on her plate.

The boys shrugged in unison. "It was alright. Just boring," Barty said.

Gillian nodded. "Well, I s'pose nothing's going to top last year, is it? Regulus nearly gets his skin melted off, Carson goes in on Evan Rosier, Carson gets kicked off as Quidditch captain, and Evan Rosier gets off scot-free."

"To be fair, I did fist fight my older brother two days ago," Regulus pointed out.

Gillian gave a nod of understanding. "Yes, I s'pose you did. Well, I'm going to be sad to miss next years holiday return. What do you reckon it'll be? Attempted murder, perhaps?"

"Probably," said Barty, "or successful murder. You never know what kind of hexes Rosier will come back with."

"Merlin, thanks guys. Very reassuring lot, you are," commented Regulus, rolling his eyes.

The other two laughed, and the three friends talked all throughout their meal. When they were all finished eating, the group made their way to the dungeons, and they split off for the night in the common room. 

When Barty and Regulus reached the dorm room and Regulus went immediately for his broom, Barty cocked his head. "Where are you going?"

Regulus slid on his winter coat and wrapped his Slytherin scarf tightly 'round his neck. "Thought I'd get a bit of practice in while the pitch is still empty. The next match is coming up, and if we want to win the Quidditch cup, I have to be on top of my game."

"Oh, alright. Want me to come?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to. But, you could start on the Ancient Runes homework and then give it to me," he gave Barty a smile which he hoped would be charming.

Barty chuckled. "Alright, deal, I s'pose."

"Thanks, Barty, you're a life saver."

"Yeah, whatever. Just go practice your little loops, you git."

Regulus laughed before turning around. He exited the dormitory and started down the stone stairs, headed for the Quidditch pitch.

The third year Gryffindor dormitory was quiet.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now