LXV. Pneumonia

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Regulus jolted awake, his entire body shaking with cold and fear, the intrusion of the Dark Lord still fresh in his mind. Why had he entered his mind again? Was the Dark Lord looking for something specific, or did he just want to see what was in Regulus's mind? It didn't make any sense, and it sent a chill down Regulus's spine. More than anything, he didn't want the Dark Lord entering his mind on a regular basis - not again.

When he awoke, he expected to be laying comfortably in his bed in the Slytherin dormitories. However, when he felt the dampness of his clothes and something solid digging into his back, he looked around. He was still in the stands of the Quidditch pitch.

Regulus's body was so cold that he was surprised he wasn't frozen solid. His clothes made odd crunching sounds when he moved as the ice that had formed on them was broken. When Regulus looked to his left, sure enough, Deacon Ackland was also still asleep.

"Deacon," Regulus muttered through chattering teeth.

Deacon didn't wake, and Regulus tried to scoot closer to him. The movement alone was enough to send sharp and chilling pains through his body, and he winced.

"Deacon, wake up," Regulus said, louder this time - if he didn't know any better, he might think that the boy had frozen to death.

Deacon groaned and shifted, and he was suddenly wide awake. "Why is it so cold?" He complained, immediately wrapping his arms around himself.

"Because we're outside, you dolt," replied Regulus.

"What?" Deacon sat up and looked around with bleary eyes. "What time is it?"

Regulus glanced at the watch which was wrapped 'round his wrist, and he immediately started to stand. "Bugger," he muttered, and he ignored the uncomfortable feeling that came along with his movements, "it's already halfway through Divination."

"Halfway through Divination?!" Asked Deacon, alarmed.

It took the two boys quite a while to make it down from the stands. They were both freezing cold, shivering uncontrollably, and trying very hard not to slip. When they made it down to the snow-covered grounds, they had to wade through knee-deep snow to reach the front doors of the castle.

"Why is it so bloody cold?!" Regulus demanded, his teeth chattering and trousers soaked through with snow.

"Probably because it's the middle of winter," Deacon said, his teeth chattering just as badly.

When they reached the empty entrance hall, the two boys paused. The sudden warmth that had engulfed them sent them both into a bit of a shock, and they couldn't even fathom the idea of moving for a bit. So, they stood, feeling the sharp and tingling pain of the warmth meeting the cold on their skin.

When the boys felt that they were warm enough, they looked at one another in silence.

"Thanks," Deacon suddenly said, and Regulus gave him an odd look.

"For what?" Regulus asked.

"For talking to me last night, I s'pose. It helped. A lot." Deacon gave Regulus a smile, though it was so small that it was hardly noticeable.

"It was no problem," Regulus muttered, shifting his weight uncomfortably - he had never been one to take affection very well.

There was yet another silence - one that neither boy knew how to break. So, instead of breaking it, they simply gave one another a nod and then went their separate ways. Regulus headed straight for the Slytherin common room, Deacon to Gryffindor tower.

When Regulus reached the dorm room, he checked the time and decided that there was really no point to him going to class. It would be over soon anyways, and he would much rather take a hot shower than sit in the stuffy and heavily-scented Divination classroom.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now