XXII. Back

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Regulus woke up on the morning of 1 September feeling more ready than ever to return to Hogwarts. After feeling what it was like to spend almost an entire year away from the depressing house that was Number 12, Regulus was quite ready to get out again. Of course, he did like being close to Kreacher and to his parents - and being close to the Dark Lord - but that didn't stop him from missing Hogwarts terribly.

So, he was up before dawn.

He sat in his bed for a few hours, giddily reading through his year 2 spell book and practicing the wand movements. When the sun had peaked over the horizon outside, Regulus ripped open the curtains and sat in the little nook before his window. Kreacher appeared and asked what Regulus wanted for breakfast, and came back thirty minutes later with a steaming plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, and french toast that was drenched in syrup and garnished with bits of sliced banana and strawberries.

He ate it hungrily, having a chat with Kreacher about how excited he was to go back to Hogwarts. When he heard his parents shuffling downstairs, he decided it was time to begin getting changed.

He had changed into his white oxford, black trousers, and shoes when Walburga called for him from downstairs.

He rushed down the stairs, taking them two at a time, until he reached the small entrance hallway where his mother was standing. "Tell your brother that we will be leaving soon. I will have Kreacher bring down both of your things," and she waved a dismissive hand.

Regulus nodded. "Yes mother," and he rushed back up the stairs.

When he reached the landing, he paused. He and Sirius, yet again, hadn't spoken since the day of the wedding. So, Regulus was a little nervous to talk to Sirius - would he snap at him again? Though, he knew that if he didn't, their mother would get angry at them both. So, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

No answer came.

He knocked again.

Yet again, no answer.

Regulus sighed - this was how it always started. Sirius always ignored his knocks.

"Sirius," he called, annoyance clear in his tone. "Sirius, mother says we're leaving soon."

Still no answer.



Regulus furrowed his brow. Was Sirius still asleep? Was he just choosing to ignore Regulus?

"Sirius? If you don't answer the door, I'm coming in."

Absolutely nothing.

Regulus felt suspicion and worry creeping up in him - if he were a dog, he suspected that his hackles would be raised. He glanced 'round the landing nervously, as though he suspected Sirius to pop out of nowhere. When he didn't, Regulus took another deep breath and reached out a trembling hand.

Sirius's room was just as messy as it had been the following year during Christmas break. There were clothes and textbooks and parchment and chocolate frog cards covering the floor, and he had added to the posters that absolutely wallpapered his room. Regulus glanced around - Sirius was nowhere to be seen.

Where is he?

Regulus let out a sigh and turned to leave - perhaps Sirius was in the kitchen? However, he stopped when he noticed the Gryffindor tie that was draped over Sirius's desk chair.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he stepped over the clutter to the desk. He gripped the Gryffindor tie and ran the material through his fingers, admiring the red and gold stripes. He looked at the mirror in the corner of the room, and walked over to it.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now