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Luckily for Regulus and Deacon, when they began to unfold the letters, they discovered that Alphard had added dates to the top of each letter so that it was easier for the two boys to compose a cohesive timeline.

21 February, 1940
Dear Mr. Black,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours Sincerely,
Armando Dippet

21 February, 1940
I got my Hogwarts letter today! I'm so excited to go! Have you gotten yours yet? No, you probably haven't have you? You'll get yours on your birthday in May!
I am so excited to begin Hogwarts! It'll be so fun to be able to go together! And, hey, I think my mum will appreciate having me out of the house for a while. Do you think we'll make a lot of friends? I hope the other students are nice!
What house do you think you'll be sorted into? But, of course we'll both be sorted Slytherin! This is so exciting!
Have a good day, and I'll see you next Saturday for tea.

Corvus Black

18 May, 1940
I received my Hogwarts letter!
Mum and dad were thrilled that I got it. Though, they are a bit upset that great-grandfather Phineas died, so he won't be our headmaster. I just hope that they don't let too many mudbloods into the school - that would be the worst!
I think we can manage to make some good friends.

Orion Black

31 August, 1940
I know that we will be seeing each other tomorrow on the Hogwarts Express, but I'm just so excited! I've hardly been sleeping the past week - I just keep thinking about how fun Hogwarts will be!
Have you been able to sleep? Of course, you don't have to write back, but it would be nice to hear that I'm not the only one!
I'll see you tomorrow!

Corvus Black

27 July, 1941 
How have you been? I know that we've only been out of school for a month, but it feels like so much longer! I already miss it so much!
What do you think we'll be learning next year? I know that we won't get to take our elective courses until third year, but I'm just so excited about them! I can't wait for Care of Magical Creatures!
I think I want to become a Magizoologist. What do you think?

Corvus Black

13 June, 1943
A girl was killed at school today. Her name was Myrtle Warren, and she was a Ravenclaw. They're thinking of shutting down Hogwarts if the attacks continue, but I don't think they will.
Apparently my friend, Tom, knows who really caused the attack. He says that this Gryffindor kid - Rubeus Hagrid - has been raising an acromantula, and that's what killed the girl.
I don't know if I believe him. I mean, as you know, I've always been very interested in magical creatures. And, yes, acromantula are very dangerous, but I don't think that one as small as the one Tom claims Rubeus owned could have caused this.
Should I say something? I don't know who could have done it if it wasn't Rubeus. But, I don't know, it just doesn't sit right with me.
How have you been? I hope you're well.

Corvus Black

27 June, 1946
I know it was you. That killed that girl back in my third year? I've known that it was you for a while.
I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to get you in trouble. But, since you're graduated now, I can say it. I don't know how you did it, but I definitely have my ideas.
I won't tell anyone. I just thought that you should know that I figured it out.
I think it was very messed up to blame it on that Gryffindor, though. Just so you know.

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