LXXI. Narcissa's News

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Corvus Black was dead.

That thought was the only thing in Regulus's mind for most of March. He couldn't seem to get it out. He wanted to know more - even if Corvus Black was dead, he wanted to know more. In fact, he wanted to know more especially because he was dead. What had killed him?

He kept going back to his uncle's letter, rereading it over and over and over again to the point where he had it memorized. Corvus Black had seemed off - he had seemed paranoid. But what was he paranoid about? Could it have been the Dark Lord? Had he defied him in some way?

What had killed him?

Regulus desperately wanted to know. However, how he would discover that was the real question.

Everyday at breakfast, he would look up at the rafters expectantly, willing an owl to come from Uncle Alphard with more information on Corvus Black. None came, but that didn't stop his determination. He knew that he wanted to get the information, but how became the ultimate question. 

The second Saturday of March held the next Quidditch match, which was played between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Regulus's eyes followed Deacon with interest, and he was truly amazed at just how good at the sport the boy was.

He hadn't really paid much attention to him at the games the year previous, and at the first match that Gryffindor had played, Regulus was too entranced in catching the Snitch himself to pay much attention to Deacon's skills. However, this being the first game that Gryffindor played that season aside from the one against Slytherin, Regulus could pay attention to the boy.

He was very, very good. He caught the Snitch within the first twenty minutes, which was actually rather surprising to him. Hufflepuff had the same Seeker as the year before, and they had actually put up quite the fight with Regulus for the Snitch. He had nearly lost that match because of the other Seeker's mere skill.

After the game was over, Regulus, Barty, and Gillian walked back to the castle together.

"Their Chasers were very good, I think we'll have a bit of difficulty at the match next month," Gillian was saying.

"Their Seeker wasn't very good, though, so at least you have that," Barty said, directing the statement more towards Regulus.

Regulus nodded. "The Gryffindor Seeker is good, too," he said absently - he had said it before he could even think about it.

Gillian wrinkled her nose in distaste. "The mudblood?"

Regulus felt a sinking in his stomach when the word left Gillian's lips. He simply nodded his head, for he didn't exactly want to verbalize his agreement.

"He's not that good. He's lost the Snitch to you at every game so far," she continued.

"Yeah, but he's caught the Snitch at every other game that Gryffindor has played since he joined the team," Regulus argued.

"They lost against Ravenclaw last year," Barty pointed out.

"Because the Ravenclaw's managed to make one final goal right before he caught the Snitch - it put them up by just enough. He still caught the Snitch."

"You're being awfully defensive over a mudblood, aren't you, Black?" An all-too-familiar voice sneered, and Regulus felt his muscles tense in annoyance.

"Shove off, Rosier. No one cares what you have to say," Regulus called over his shoulder, not even bothering to turn around.

"Yeah, and no one cares what you have to say about that stupid mudblood either, Black," Rosier said.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now