LII. The Duel in Hogsmeade Square

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The first Hogsmeade weekend fell on a Saturday in mid-October.

Regulus and Barty both woke up at half past five in the morning, grins on their faces and excitement in their veins. The boys got dressed in an enthusiastic silence, grabbed their money for the day, bundled themselves in thick coats and long scarves, and dashed down to the common room.

Gillian Fairman was sitting on the couch, staring at the flames that flickered behind the grate of the fireplace. She looked up at the sound of their footsteps, and a wide grin crossed her face. She stood from the couch, Slytherin scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and bundled in a thick, black coat.

"Hey, guys! Are you ready to go?" She asked, stepping towards the two of them.

They both nodded vigorously, stuffing their hands into their pockets. Gillian led the two of them towards the common room door; Regulus and Barty followed closely behind her, giddy with excitement.

The three of them had spent the night before going over what they would be doing in Hogsmeade the following day. They had made the decision to wake up early and have breakfast at the Three Broomsticks, which the two boys were absolutely ecstatic about. The earliness of the morning and the darkness of the corridors made for a very peaceful walk through the dungeons, up to the entrance hall, and out onto the grounds.

The air was cold, and the three friends could feel it nipping at their exposed skin. However, that didn't stop the joy that the two third year boys were experiencing. They were beyond excited for their first Hogsmeade weekend, and they just wanted to get there as soon as possible. The two of them ran ahead of her on the path, headed straight for the open gates of the school.

Gillian laughed as the two boys ran ahead of her, shaking her head and shoving her hands into her pockets. Regulus and Barty were laughing with one another, relishing in the cool, early October air that was filling their lungs. The green grass that lined the path was sprinkled with dew drops that glistened in the sun, which was just coming up over the horizon.

"Guys, slow down!" Gillian called, though her voice was laced with humor and joy.

The two boys laughed, and they simultaneously turned around to face Gillian, running backwards. "Hurry up, Gill! We have to get there!" Regulus shouted.

Gillian rolled her eyes, though she couldn't keep away the smile that was quirking her lips. She sped up her walking, which was good enough for the two boys. They jogged down the dirt path, pushing one another playfully and laughing at seemingly nothing.

When they reached Hogsmeade, it looked just as beautiful and fun as the two boys had expected. There was a light layer of precipitation that covered the little wizarding village, and it seemed to be radiating with joy. Regulus and Barty stepped onto the cobbled main road, and they looked around in awe. The street was absolutely lined with shops, restaurants, and cafés, which were all bustling with early morning activity.

Some of the residents of Hogsmeade were awake, doing their early morning shopping, getting breakfast, or else getting a quick spot of tea before heading off to work. Regulus and Barty didn't see very many other students out yet, just a few that were sprinkled throughout.

Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue were hand in hand, walking to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, laughing with one another about something that Frank had said. A Hufflepuff boy and a Ravenclaw girl were sitting on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the square, both drinking warm cups of hot cocoa. There were a few others dotted throughout, most of them wearing scarves or hats that correlated with their house colors.

Gillian came up behind the two boys, a very wide grin on her face. "Alright, boys. Breakfast?"

They both nodded their heads, and she led them towards a very busy looking pub. When they stepped inside, they were hit with a gust of warm air and a delicious smell. It smelled like warm butterbeer, herbs, and an array of different breakfast foods.

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