Chapter 42

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"You're not doing all of this out of pity, right?", you asked him after a while. 

You had to admit, he really was a good cook. This dish was perfect. You would never say this out loud, though.

You had asked this question because there was something in the way he behaved that was different. It was not pity. There was nothing pitiful about his actions towards you and that made you wonder what else it could be. From the moment he stepped into the house and punched Woojin, he seemed like a whole other person. Almost like you were friends. 

But this was not part of the contract. There was no camera, no businessman, and no reporter to see what he was doing. So why was he doing this? 

Maybe he was just hungry and decided to cook something. Maybe you were just looking for a distraction and thinking about Jungkook was easier than thinking about Woojin. 

You waited for his answer and watched him as he put his chopsticks down to think about it. Then he shook his head. "No, it's not because of that."

"So why are you like this, then?"

"Can I not just cook something because I'm hungry?"

There it was. You were right. Though his answer was probably not what you should be expecting, it was a relief to see that nothing has changed. Jungkook was not treating you like this because he pitied you, but simply because he felt like it. That did not explain why he took you to get ice-cream together, but his response was enough. For now. 

Not long after - when you almost finished your food - you remembered something. 

"Wasn't there something planned for this Friday?"

"Yeah, remember that friend I told you about? The one that got a new place? Jackson's throwing a housewarming party."

"Weren't we supposed to help him with it?"

"What do you mean 'we'?"

"You told me to be free on Friday, didn't you?"

"Yes, but I assumed you already forgot that. Plus, are you sure you want to go?"

"Sure. It sounds fun." A distraction and some fun sure couldn't hurt.

Something changed between Jungkook and you. You only hoped that it wasn't because of what happened earlier. Only way too late did you realize that he was acting like that even before the incident.

You were confident that you would've managed to get rid of Woojin without his help, but there something about the fact that not only did he check up on you, but also came back when you didn't answer, which made you feel a certain type of way and you couldn't wrap your head around what it was exactly. 

And to be honest, you weren't entirely sure if you wanted to find out. 

To keep your mind off all the unwanted thoughts, you decided to pull out your old notes and go through them to get an idea of what was waiting for you when you'd start working at the new place. You might've gotten the job without actually applying, but you didn't want to look like a complete idiot. Plus, you didn't want Jungkook to regret offering you the position. 

Friday came around much faster than expected and had you at Hoseok's place getting ready for the party. It was nine and Jungkook was already at Jackson's place to help him with the preparations as promised. You offered to go there together and help as well, but Jungkook told you it's fine and that there were some things he needed to discuss with his friend. He told you he'll come back and pick you up from Hoseok's apartment. 

"Will you be wearing matching outfits?", Hoseok asked while eating a spoonful of ice cream. 

"How should I know? It's not like we discussed that we'll be wearing matching outfits."

You had just put on your grey silk dress and were starting to put on make-up. It was one of the few dresses that you actually loved so you reserved it only for special occasions. 

"Good. Don't be that cringy couple or I'll have to end our friendship."

You nodded firmly. You weren't going to wear matching outfits, so if Jungkook happened to show up in a dark grey T-Shirt or blazer, it wasn't on purpose. You refrained from telling Hoseok that you weren't a couple. He probably said couple because that's what other people would view it. No other reason. 

You finished your make-up quite quickly since you ran out of foundation and forgot to buy a new one, so you only had lipstick, concealer, mascara, and eye-shadow to work with. 

Screw it, you also put on some eyeliner. 

After all, you had to make people believe that you were Jungkook's girlfriend, so you couldn't just show up looking like a fraud - even though you technically were one.

When you were done, you turned around to Hoseok, who has been waiting patiently the entire time. He nodded and gave you a thumbs up, though it wasn't exactly like he was the voice of reason when it came to eyeliner, seeing as his previous attempts at eyeliner were rather... unsuccessful.

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