Chapter 58

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I just found out about the dernière danse Jungkook AI cover and I got like 50 new fanfic ideas. Also: I did fail that exam I mentioned and will have to redo it tomorrow. Which is exactly why I'm procrastinating and updating again. 

- TC




There wasn't much to talk about and neither of you wanted to linger on the words you said to each other or the things that still needed to be expressed out loud. You couldn't find any ice cream shop that was still open at this hour so you settled for the nearest convenience store and some red bean flavored ice. 

You were walking aimlessly and somehow landed at the beach. The area grew pitch black the closer you got to the water and the more you strayed away from the main street. Jungkook was walking beside you, having not said a word the entire walk.

You sat down on the sand just far enough so the waves wouldn't reach you. The moon was shedding enough light to see that Jungkook was now sitting next to you, empty ice cream wrapper in his hand and his mind somewhere else entirely.

"What are you thinking about?" you gave it a try. At first, he didn't look up. 

You sat there, not knowing whether he even heard you over the sound of the waves.

Then, his head rested on your shoulder, soft hair falling on your collarbone in silky strands and the faint scent of his shampoo making you want to draw in a deep breath.

"Do you remember Jackson's party?", he finally said. 

You couldn't help but wonder why he thought of this all of a sudden. Memories of him kissing you on the forehead flashed in your mind. 

"What do you mean?"

Again, it took a while before he spoke again, as if he was still unsure of what to say or how to say it. Now all you could think of was the way his lips felt on your skin that night.

"Thanks. You know, for stopping me from running my mouth." 

It seemed as if he'd changed his mind. 

"Oh. Yeah, sure."

At the silence that came after that, you felt the need to add something. "Someone had to save the people from knowing you went skinny dipping. We wouldn't want Kim Seokjin to imagine you at the beach, no clothes, all naked and wet and your annoyingly silky hair shining in the moonlight. On the other hand, that may get you your collaboration after all", you joked.

Involuntarily, he laughed at your ridiculousness, head rising and falling on your shoulder. "First of all", he played along in an exaggerated tone, "it wasn't at the beach, it was a pool."

Great, now you were the one imagining Jungkook and his annoyingly silky hair shining in the moonlight at the pool. 

"Right, a pool. Very important difference." You cleared your throat.

"And second of all, it was a dare, alright?"

You raised an eyebrow though you knew he couldn't see it. "Never thought you to be the kind to play truth or dare."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. You do tend to act like you have a stick shoved up your ass sometimes."

He chuckled. "Fair enough."

His head shifted and you turned to look at him, your gaze meeting his, his doe eyes so ethereal as he glanced up at you, the sparkle in them still visible in the near complete darkness.

For a split second you thought about breaching the distance, the mere inches between you, and kissing him.

And then the moment was over before you could make that decision and he rested his head on your shoulder again.

His hand reached for yours, fingers interlocking so flawlessly the way they were always meant to.

His head remained there as the two of you sat in silence, the sound of the waves being the only thing you could hear apart from Jungkook's rhythmic and calm breathing. You don't know how long you stayed like that, but whether it was during this shared moment or long before you had even gotten into the fight, you felt like something between you two changed. You couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly. You wanted to believe that it was the sudden understanding that no matter what happened after you flew back home, the two of you couldn't pretend like this marriage never happened. Because throughout all the drama, there will now always be a few good moments to remember. But there was also something else hanging over your naive optimism like a dark, rainy cloud. And it was a realization that you only got to understand on the last day of your honeymoon.

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