Chapter 46

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Few seconds passed without anyone saying a word before Jungkook finally said something else.

"Right..." he cleared his throat. "You needed me to revise something for you, didn't you, Yoongi? Can you send it to me by Monday?"

"Oh, I thought you weren't available for the next two weeks, so I already took care of it."

Jungkook wasn't available for the next two weeks? Did he mention anything about it? He'd never said anything about an upcoming business trip, let alone something so important that he wouldn't be available to his friends.

Some memory from the blurry corners of your mind made its way to the surface.

"Please tell me by next Friday so I can book the tickets in advance" Jungkook had said back then.

"Oh my god, the honeymoon!" you exclaimed.

You had forgotten all about it, and Jungkook hasn't mentioned it since the first time he'd asked you if you wanted to go.

"I am so sorry. I lost track of time and completely forgot about it."

"Oh don't worry about it, it's absolutely fine if you don't want to go", he tried to reassure you. 

"It's not that! I did want to go, I just forgot to tell you in time. I had decided not long after you asked me."

A grin slid on Jungkook's face.

"Well, in that case..." He took out his phone, scrolled for a few seconds, tipped on something and then turned the screen towards you. It showed the date of the flight and destination. It was in only a few days, leaving from Incheon Airport and landing in South Japan.

"Did you just book-"

"No, I'd already booked it weeks ago. I would've canceled it if you didn't want to go, but it's great that you said yes. You know, because of the cancellation fee and all", he joked.

"Right", said Yoongi and stood up, "It's been wonderful listening to you two, but I feel like if I stay here longer, even I'll start believing the lies you two are telling. Don't forget to drink up and get some rest before you go all wild again. See you soon!"

Before any of you two could say anything, Yoongi was already halfway through the door. You shouted a "Bye!" behind him right before the door closed. 

Silence fell in the kitchen. Now that Yoongi was gone you couldn't help but try and avoid thinking about what happened last night. Because if you thought about it too long, you might start noticing how little sense Jungkook's actions made. How illogical it was of him to kiss on the forehead while you two were supposed to be in a strictly contractual relationship. 

You start putting the ingredients for the miso soup back in the fridge, then you grab a towel to wipe the already clean counter.

"Right..." Jungkook interrupted, not having moved from where he stood. "Now that this is actually happening, we need to talk about what we're going to do once we're there. The schedule is pretty much empty, we just have to show up there and let people believe that we're the happiest we've ever been, take a few pictures and that's it. The hotel itself offers a guided hike tour on Mount Sakurajima, if you're into that kind of thing."

"Sounds fun!" you replied.

"Great, then it's settled."

Two weeks in Japan with Jungkook couldn't be so bad, right?

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu