Chapter 50

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I graduated HS, I listened to Seven (explicit version ofc) on loop until my ears bled, I got into college and last night I had a dream about Jungkook that was so vivid, I woke up with the need and desire to write fanfiction about him otherwise I will get depressed because I will never experience love like that. Also, I almost passed out in the shower yesterday for no reason. I feel like this is the fate of every fanfiction author: you start writing, then weird things start happening. Idk, it's either a punishment or a warning.




Unlike your father, your mother didn't utter a word about Jungkook. Not even when you mentioned as nonchalantly as possible where you were going. After a relatively uneventful lunch, you headed back home. Jungkook was, as expected, not there. You assumed he was either at his office doing some work in advance or he was doing  some last minute shopping - though, when you thought about it, it was more likely the former.

You had wanted to stay up and wait for him, but when he still didn't arrive at midnight, you decided to go to sleep.

The next morning, he was already in the kitchen with breakfast waiting for you by the time you had showered and gone downstairs. 

"Did you even sleep?" you asked him and yawned. You didn't hear the door last night and you suspected that he only came home barely an hour ago, but who were you to question his decisions?

He laughed. "Of course. The question if I slept enough."

You gave him a serious look. "You should take care of yourself", you said as you sat down at the table. You couldn't risk him falling sick during the honeymoon: your japanese was rusty and you had no idea how to explain the phrase "my actually-not-really-my-husband overworked himself to the point of exhaustions just so he could impress some business guy I've never heard of" to the paramedics.

He rolled his eyes. "Noted. Now eat up, we have a plane to catch." You didn't have the patience to argue with him now. You could only hope that your honeymoon would be as uneventful as promised. You'd found a cute bikini, packed up the most efficient sunscreen you could find and made sure not to forget comfortable shoes in case you'd go hiking. 

This would be exciting.

As soon as you finished eating, you and Jungkook made your way downstairs with your suitcases, where a cab was already waiting for you. It wasn't yet noon, but the traffic was so bad that it took you almost an hour to reach the airport despite it being only 20 minutes away. The driver had gotten so mad at the traffic at one point that you were afraid he would get out of the car and punch someone in their face. 

After checking in and going through the security checks, there was nothing keeping you from enjoying the sunny japanese countryside. 

Maybe apart from one thing. 

"Why do airports always have to be so confusing?" Jungkook whined and complained for the third time. You rolled your eyes at him.

"Perhaps if you paid more attention to the signs they put up, you'd find your way", you replied.

"Perhaps if they didn't put up dozens of them, I would know which ones are useful and which ones aren't."

You sighed and sat down, grateful that the lounge was still relatively empty.

"I need some coffee, do you want some?" Jungkook asked. You looked up at him. He crossed his arms around his chest, the black t-shirt snug on his biceps and loose around his waist. Still, his impressive physique didn't distract from the eye bags and his messy black hair. Hair that you now realized you wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through, just to see if it really was as soft as it looked, despite its unruliness. He really needed that coffee.

You turned your head away before nodding.

Jungkook left with the promise to be back in ten minutes. You stared at his back as he walked away, getting lost in the sea of people until you couldn't even see the top of his head anymore. Maybe you were imagining things, but you could've sworn you saw the outline of back muscles under the black fabric as he moved.

"Excuse me, is this still free?" someone asked and interrupted your brain from fantasizing about what the skin under that black shirt might look like. 

You nodded without paying much attention to him. Instead, you pulled out a novel from your handbag. It was only an easy read for vacation, just so you had something to do in case the internet connection failed.

"Oh, bringing a book sounds like a great idea. Are you headed to Kagoshima too?"

You finally looked at the man sitting next to you. He was in his mid thirties, wore his hair so short that it resembled a buzzcut and glasses with frames so thick that they covered half his face. 

"Yes", you answered in hope that this would be the end of your interaction, but he followed up with another question.

"Oh, I've never been there, what about you? I heard the beach is very beautiful. Are you going alone?"

Not creepy at all. Was he going to ask you where your hotel was, too? And your room number?

"First time too. Actually, my husband should be here any minute, he's just getting some coffee."

"You're married?" he asked in disbelief. 

Yeah, I can't believe it either, buddy, you thought.

"You must be really happy. It's a very beautiful ring. When did you get married?"

"Uh, not that long ago."

"Ohh, so it's your honeymoon? You must love each other a lot. Most couples only travel to Jeju Island when they go on their honeymoon. How come you chose Japan?"

You looked at him again and realized he's been watching you the entire time.

"Change of scenery, I guess."

He nodded understandingly. "Yeah, sometimes I need that too. My job is so demanding and stressful, sometimes I like to go somewhere else and seek inspiration. The workload never ends, and for what? I don't even get promoted, they always say that I'm not ambitious enough."

Before you had to listen to his ranting any longer, you spotted Jungkook cluelessly looking around for you with two cups of iced coffee in his hands. You waved to get his attention, then excused yourself, grabbed your things and promptly left. 

"I thought you'd save me the seat", Jungkook jokingly pouted when you had reached him. He looked back at where you had just left your seat from, the stranger's eyes still lingering on you for a moment before turning his gaze away. You handed him his jacket that he had left with you and he gave you the coffee.

"Yeah, creepy neighbor", you explained. He nodded and made a face.

Luckily, you didn't have to stand around for long because two minutes later, the gate opened and you boarded the plane without seeing the man again. You finally started reading your book, Jungkook was working on his laptop in silence and the weather was perfect. It seemed as if things were finally starting to look up.

And that is precisely the moment when the end of your marriage with Jungkook started.

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