Chapter 30

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When you got back from eating lunch, you didn't exactly have time to look around or even enjoy the view from the balcony, as Jungkook told you to get your phone and purse and come with him. Another unexpected thing: you thought he wanted to enjoy the weekend, but you didn't think he would be so eager to get out and do something. Something that you had no idea what it was because he wouldn't tell you. 

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?", he answered and had the nerve to stick his tongue at you. 

You gave up. As long as he wouldn't make you go on something like the Gyro Drop again, everything was fine. 


"That one looks like you!", he said laughing and pointed to the ugliest fish in the entire tank. 

You couldn't stop laughing, barely even seeing the fish in the aquarium, because tears clouded your eyes. This was the best surprise someone has ever come up with: Jungkook had apparently booked tickets in advance for the aquarium and didn't tell you. 

Although it felt like only minutes had passed, when you looked at your phone it was already seven o'clock. You didn't remember when was the last time you had so much fun, especially with someone like him. 

The only thing overshadowing your innocent little game were the occasional looks on the faces of people around you: from the outside, you obviously looked like a close couple. 

That thought left your mind as soon as you looked at Jungkook laughing his ass off at the fish. And after all, it was your job to pretend to be his wife while you were in public, so you might as well have fun while doing it, right? 

You walked over to the next gigantic tank, this time full of sharks rather than fishes like the last one. The blue lights that were supposed to mimic a natural habitat for the animals did a good job of highlighting Jungkook's face and whenever he turned to the side to look at them through the thick glass, his jawline would appear even sharper than it already was. The lights had a certain way of putting a spark in his eyes that made them unfairly pretty.

"That one looks sad", he said with a childish pout. He pointed to a shark far in the back in the tank that indeed had an expression that resembled sadness. It seemed like it was looking directly at you, its mouth turning downwards in a resentful manner. 

You went a few steps to the side, trying to find out if the shark was actually looking at you or if its eyes were just wandering about and indeed, it followed your movement. 

Jungkook followed you wherever you were going and so did the shark. It got out of its little corner and swam towards you. 
"Seems like he's not so sad after all," you joked. 

It swam towards you right as a bunch of tourists were trying to walk past, so you got closer to the thick glass to let them through. You didn't notice that the shark came closer, and when you looked at the glass, it was suddenly only inches from your face and the downwards turned corners of its mouth were rather malicious than sad. For a moment, you got scared and jumped a step back, not realizing that you clung to the person that was right behind you: Jungkook. 

"Did you get scared by the shark?", he whispered, as he was already near enough for you to hear him. You turned around to face him but did not look into his eyes, out of fear he would notice the blush that crept on your cheeks. 

"Um, no, I didn't," you lied poorly. "Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you're still holding my hand?"

"I'm not," you cleared your voice and let go of his hand. Only then you looked up at him to see that he was smiling like he just caught you lying - which he did, but that was irrelevant. "It's getting late, we should go back to the hotel."

It wasn't entirely true, it was quite early still, but you were grateful that he gave you this little escape instead of teasing you about what just happened. 

After grabbing dinner you arrived back at the hotel. Jungkook slapped his forehead as if he had forgotten something very important. 

"What happened?", you asked concerned. 

"You don't happen to have packed a swimsuit, do you?"

You looked at him in utter confusion. "You want to go to the beach now? Isn't it a little late?"

"Actually, it's for something else." He opened the door to your shared room and let you enter first. 

"What for?", you asked after he closed it. 

He hinted you to follow him and went to the other side of the room where he pulled a curtain aside. Behind it was a sliding glass door that you didn't even notice. And behind it was a far more impressive view: from the pool you could see the skyline and a few bright-lit bridges. 

Jungkook opened the door while you were still speechless and went outside. You soon followed, trying not to gawk.

"A while ago, you said the perfect date would be stargazing in the pool at night." You were taken aback that he actually remembered. "And I owe you at least one perfect date after all you've done for me."

You couldn't help but smile at his awkwardness.

"I know I've been pretty harsh when I shouldn't have and I'm sorry for that. But thanks for putting up with it", he chuckled. 

Was Jungkook getting shy? From the way he was shifting his weight from one foot to the other and how he was avoiding your eyes, it seemed like it. 

"That's... really kind of you, I didn't expect all of this. Thank you."

He nodded. Great, now there was nothing left to say. Would it be weird to start talking about the weather? 

"Since you don't have a swimsuit you could go skinny-dipping", he joked to ease off the atmosphere.

You laughed in response. Five minutes later you had on a T-Shirt and a pair of shorts that you didn't mind getting wet. While Jungkook's remark may have been funny, there was no way you were getting naked in front of him. That's why you changed in the bathroom. When you went back outside, it was a little breezy. 

To your surprise, Jungkook was in the water with nothing but a pair of shorts on. It was about time to finally get a glimpse of those abs. He must not have heard you opening the door because he was still looking at the skyline and didn't turn around. 

"Holy shit it's freezing, are you not cold?", you mumbled after going down to the waist. Jungkook turned around and gave a little laugh. 

"It's not that bad once you get used to it."

"Bet it isn't, once you're frozen."

You decided to risk it all and sunk to your neck at once to get it over with. You couldn't help a gasp that escaped your mouth. You were never a big fan of ice-cold water.

"Not skinny-dipping after all?", he joked. 

"You know, if you keep saying that I might think you want to see me naked."

You laughed, but it slipped your attention that Jungkook was zoned off for a moment. Just as he was about to say something his phone rang. 

Saved by the bell.

"I should probably get that, it's probably important," he coughed, avoiding your sight. 

You wanted to slap your own face. Why in the hell would you ever say that? You thanked the gods he was already gone because you couldn't stop your cheeks and the tips of your ears from blushing like you were Jack from Titanic who thawed due to global warming and just came back to life.

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