Chapter 51

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It started with your luggage. 

Well, not exactly, but in the end, you were sure that it had something to do with it.

After you landed, you went to claim your luggage, only to find out that it was missing. Not Jungkook's though, his was actually the first one to show up. After waiting for over 30 minutes and staring at the suitcases on the belt get picked up by their owners, the last one was finally gone and you were still standing there with only your handbag and an empty cup of iced coffee in your hands.

Jungkook was right next to you the entire time, also growing more annoyed, but you were sure it had more to do with the task on his laptop than with your missing belongings. 

It took you mere minutes to go to an information desk and ask someone what happened. After giving them your name, birthday and flight information, it was indeed confirmed that your suitcase was still somehow in Seoul. The woman assured you that they would try their best to get it here as soon as possible, but Kagoshima had such a small airport that planes from Seoul only flew there every two or three days.


"You could wear something of mine until your stuff gets here", Jungkook said after you explained the situation to him.

Thankfully, there was already a cab waiting for you in the parking lot. The ride to your hotel was short but impressive: you drove past the beach and a few temples, but also got to see the Sakurajima volcano from afar. Overall, a great teaser for what was to come. 

The driver dropped you off right in front of the hotel, a luxurious but rather cozy establishment that focused on trying to make each guest as comfortable as possible - at least that was what they promised on their official page. 

The reception was empty save for a young woman wearing formal clothing with the hotel's name on it. Jungkook took out his phone to show her the reservation while you were admiring the giant tree they seem to have managed to plant in the middle of the lobby.

"Hi, we're here for the 2-bed reservation under 'Jeon'."

She took a look at his phone, verified the data and then nodded. She gave him the key card and went back to the computer to confirm that you've checked in. Just as Jungkook thanked her and turned around, she suddenly called him back.

"I'm sorry, but it seems like there has been a misunderstanding", the woman explained to your husband. You said you were here for the 2-bed room?"

He nodded. 

"Would you mind showing me your screen again?"

When he gave her the phone, her suspicions seem to have been confirmed. "The '2' here on your reservation refers to the number of keys you will receive, not the number of beds. I apologize, we are fully booked for now and cannot offer you another room. However, I can note it down and inform you if another client cancels their reservation. Is that okay with you?"

He looked over to you expecting an answer, but you didn't know how else to reply than with a shrug. She handed him the device and upstairs you went. 

Inside room 13, a perfectly arranged queen sized bed waited for you. 

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Where stories live. Discover now