Chapter 37

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They left the room with the excuse that your mother wanted to prepare the lunch, and before you could even offer to help she gave you this looked that said something like 'Don't you even dare!'

Soon, you found out that after he met your mom and arranged this meeting, he took the day off to come all the way over and meet you.

The question of why he was wearing a suit if he wasn't working popped up in your head, but you ignored it. Maybe the poor guy was trying to make a good impression. Or maybe he had something to do after this.

You remembered that you often saw Jungkook in casual clothes like jeans and T-Shirts, especially during the weekend. Even now, he was wearing a simple black T-Shirt tucked into his basic jeans. Somehow he managed to still look better than Woojin in his suit, but then again, Jungkook was a rich bitch and everything looked good on him because he just had the right vibe.

That was it! That was what you found so odd about his suit: he didn't have the 💫vibe💫.

But then again, he was normal, just like you, not famous and in need of a fake girlfriend to make others believe that he could take responsibility.

You were laughing with Woojin at a video he showed you of how he fell at the ice-skating arena when your father walked into the room to announce that he, your mother, and Jisung would go to a market to pick up something that they still needed for lunch. Damn, you were starting to get hungry.

Jisung came into the room to take his phone and had the biggest smile you've ever seen on his face. 

"Can Jungkook be my brother-in-law?", he asked childishly when walked past you, quiet enough for Woojin not to hear him. 

He already is, you idiot, you thought. 

Of course, you held your tongue and didn't reply. Right after that, Jungkook came downstairs and had the same big smile. 

"Your brother is the coolest person alive."

Oh no. 

Oh no, they liked each other. Wasn't it enough for Jisung that Hoseok liked him? Did he have to be friends with Jungkook too now? 

He won't be too happy when he finds out that you were about to get divorced. Though you wondered what exactly they talked about when they were upstairs. It was obvious that Jungkook didn't tell him the truth, but you wondered how long it would take him to google his name and find out. 

Your parents and brother went out and left you alone with the two guys. This was going to get awkward. 

Before you could even think of what to do, Jungkook got his jacket and keys.

"Where are you going?", you asked him. 

"I still have to write that paper for the office. Sorry for having to leave so early. Just text me and I'll pick you up."

There was no paper for the office, you both knew that. Jungkook probably noticed that the situation was about to get awkward if he stayed, and there was nothing he could do to get Woojin away from you without giving away that you were a couple. So it was indeed best to leave. 

You nodded, and with that, he left, leaving you alone with Woojin. 

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