Chapter 15

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Happy new year! I'm glad the dumpsterfire that 2020 was is finally gone. Here's a double update because why not?




"Now it's my turn to choose. Let's go on the Gyro Drop."

The huge thing that drops you into the dark abyss? 

You shook your head violently. There was no way you would go on that thing. It was the tallest attraction, and the thought of freefall made you uneasy. 

"Oh, come on, it will be fun," Jungkook pleaded. 

"Nope. No way. I don't want to have a heart attack."

He pouted. "Please. We're married, after all."

Yeah, he can't pull that card, it doesn't work on you.

"If someone sees this, they'll think it looks cute." he tried again. 

You stopped for a few seconds, pretending to be thinking about his offer, but you already decided to do it. 

And Jungkook's grin revealed that he knew that, too. 

"Okay, fiiine," you agreed with an eye-roll. 

He dragged you to the other side of the amusement park to get in line when you realized that you were standing in the VR-queue. 

Only when you got your VR glasses and were told you were next, you understood that you were supposed to put them on. 

This was surely going to be fun. 

At least you hoped so, otherwise, Junkook was a dead man. 

As the previous people got out, the place was already overcrowded and you were being pushed around, pressed to go forward and find a seat. At the same time, you lost Jungkook for a moment, but then saw him as he was making his way to you. 

You were urged to put your glasses and seatbelt on. 

They were dark at first and you thought that they might be broken, but as the Gyro Drop started to ascend, the image lit up and you saw a mountain. 

You looked around, noticing birds and other creatures, even fantasy ones, but you also heard the people around you anxiously laughing. 

You were starting to get scared when you were still going up after a few minutes. 

Was it really that tall, or was it the anxiety? 

You tried to breathe evenly. 

The Drop came to a stop. 

"Are you ready for this?", an enthusiastic voice said through the speakers. You subconsciously shook your head and closed your eyes. 

Your hands were shaking, but you were sure you weren't the only one. 

The seat on your right had been taken when you got on, so Jungkook must be sitting on your left. You turned your head to him, only seeing trees through the VR, but you were sure he heard you. 

"Jungkook, I swear to god, if I have a heart attack, it's your fault and your fault only."

He didn't respond. 

The countdown began and you gulped. 

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. 

A sweatdrop ran along your cheek. 

"Five, four-"

Fuck it, it was his idea, so he shouldn't have that much of a problem if you grabbed his hand. 

"Three, two, one-"

Nothing happened, but you clutched his hand like you were about to die, shaking with anxiety. 


There was a click as if the seats were being released, and then you fell. 

The first second wasn't that bad, it felt exactly like when you were falling while in a dream.

But you didn't wake up. 

You screamed, but as you were going down, the air in your lungs pressed out, leaving you only with a burning feeling in your chest, desperately gasping for air. 

And then you slowly came to a halt. 

Jungkook had a firm grasp on your hand and you were thankful he didn't let go as soon as you stopped. You were at the bottom of the mountain, raindeers and mythical creatures were staring at you, and 'Congratulations' appeared on the screen. 

You waited for the click that signified you could take your seatbelts off. 

"Are you ready for round two?!", the voice shouted through the speakers. 

There was a round two?

"You're dead," you mumbled to Jungkook. "You didn't tell me there was a round two."

As you started to go up again, the image changed to something that was probably filmed from a plane. 

You looked down at the sea below you. The circle of seats stopped at the top, but you didn't let his hand go for a single second. You spun around in slow motion for a while and you were wondering when the countdown would start. 

Shouldn't it have started already? 

Just as you were asking yourself those questions, the speaker said, "GO!"

"I hate you so much!", you screamed as the seats clicked and you fell again.

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