Chapter 32

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You woke up to find that it was actually quite late. And that you had a sore throat. Maybe you shouldn't have stayed in the water that long. But after Jungkook came back looking like someone threatened to steal his banana milk and then left again saying he'd go to sleep early, you didn't want to be in the same room as him. Judging by his expression, it was his ex - if she could be called that, they were never a real couple after all - who called. You didn't ask what happened, out of fear he would tell you it's none of your business.

Instead, you stayed in the water until your fingers were wrinkly and your hair was almost dry again. After you were sure that Jungkook was asleep, you got back into the room and went to the bathroom to shower and put your pajamas on. You were just about to throw yourself face forward on the bed when you noticed a familiar figure already under the silken white bedsheets. 

"Can't you just decide which bed you want and stick to it?", you mumbled to Jungkook, knowing that he wouldn't hear you. You thought about kicking him out of your bed and telling him to go back to his own, but he looked so peaceful sleeping like that, hugging the pillow tightly and his eyelids fluttering faintly while he was dreaming, so you shook your head in annoyance and turned the lights off. 

When you woke up the next morning he wasn't in the room. He was so embarrassed that he vanished from existence. 

Oh no, wait.

The door opened and Jungkook entered the room. 

Maybe he wasn't that embarrassed after all. 

"Do you want to go downstairs and get breakfast?", he asked, putting his phone in his pocket. He was probably talking to that Namjoon guy. 

So he wasn't going to mention that he accidentally - and you hoped it was by accident - slept in your bed?

You were about to believe that he didn't care, but just as before he turned away you noticed how he glanced at the bed. And how his cheeks flushed a deep tone of red. 

There it was!

You couldn't help a smug grin, but quickly managed it when he glared at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking. 

So you weren't going to talk about it. Whatever. 

After getting breakfast, he asked you if you wanted to go to an art exposition. He said it so casually, but judging by his expression he's been thinking about it the whole morning. You eagerly agreed. You've actually read about it a while ago but there was no way you would've gone all the way to Busan for an exposition. And not alone. But that was before you married Jungkook, so things are looking a bit different. 

It took you a while to get there and it felt like it took even longer to find the end of the queue. An art exposition was a great idea, especially for a couple. But the seemingly 40 other couples had the same idea. 

You got along to wait in line until you could purchase the entry tickets. Jungkook was looking at something on his phone, probably still about last evening and whatever happened that he wouldn't mention. Meanwhile, you were just people-watching. You were - and you were grateful for that - the last couple that got in line. Not that you were a real couple, but no one else knew. 

Jungkook was about to change that. 

It went so fast that you didn't even have enough time to think about it: 

There were about ten people in front of you and none behind you. 

Until someone who was talking on the phone got in line.

You didn't even notice at first, but there was something about that guy's voice that seemed so familiar. And you must've met him recently, otherwise you wouldn't remember it. 

Though you kept thinking about where you might know him from, it was to no use, so you risked a glance while making sure that it wasn't too obvious. The black locks were the first thing you noticed. 

"Isn't that the guy from Lotte World?", Jungkook asked in a low voice. 

Maybe you weren't that sneaky after all while staring. 

You nodded and gave him a shrug to show that you didn't care, but inside you were happy you finally remembered his name: Taehyung. 

"Talk to him," Jungkook said. 

And that's kind of where it went downhill.

"What? Why, no!"

"Come on, you clearly wanted to befriend him back then before I ruined it." You weren't sure if he was remorseful or if he didn't care. "Take it as a second chance and go talk to him."

"How even? He thinks we're a couple." 

He probably thinks you're the closest couple ever and that you're seeking an opportunity to cheat on your 'husband', you thought.

But you did not say it out loud. Either out of fear not to hurt his feelings or not to start a fight. You weren't sure. 

Before you could tell Jungkook that you didn't even care to befriend him that much, he turned around and looked at Taehyung. Just as he hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. 

"Hi, you're the guy from Lotte World, right?", Jungkook asked. 

What in the hell was he doing?! You put a hand on your cheek to shield yourself from the sun. Or from being seeing Jungkook embarrass himself.

Taehyung looked between the two of you for a few moments, not because he didn't remember you, but because he was apparently trying to weigh up Jungkook's mood. 

"Uh, yeah," he responded. Then he looked at you and gave you a polite smile, followed by a "Hi".

"I'm sorry for how I acted last time."

Wait, was that an apology just now? From Jeongguk himself? 

You didn't think you'd live to see this day...

Taehyung was still obviously confused but decided to just smile awkwardly and act like he didn't know what was happening. Which was probably true. 

"You deserve an explanation: The thing is, though I acted like we're a couple, we're not. And I can clearly see that you're both interested in each other, so I just wanted to clear that up."

He lowered his voice and looked at you, though you were sure Taehyung could clearly hear what he was saying. 

"I've done my part, and now I'm going to get tickets to avoid further awkward conversation."

You weren't sure whether you wanted to laugh or be mad at him, but you weren't sure of lots of things lately. One thing was evident though: Jungkook wasn't as selfish as you originally thought. And you weren't going to waste the second chance you just got. 

After he left, there were a few moments of silence between you and Taehyung. You used that time to take a look at him. He was wearing a grey T-Shirt and a pair of black shorts. Simple but somehow still stylish. Perhaps the most interesting accessory of his outfit was the expensive-looking camera hanging loosely from a lanyard around his neck. 

"Nice camera. Are you here to take photos of the paintings?" you asked the most idiotic question in existence. 

What else was he supposed to take pictures of at an art exposition? You cursed yourself for your sudden poor small-talk skills. Not that you've ever been extraordinarily good at small-talk. 

"Yeah. I wanted to show them to my grandma since she can't come here by herself," he answered. 

"That's so sweet!"

There were a few moments of silence before he said anything. 

"So the whole marriage thing with Jeon is fake?"

There was something odd about his question. 

You never mentioned Jungkook's last name in his presence. 

"How do you know his na-"

"I read something about Lotte World that day and you two were practically on the second article when I typed in the name."

That made sense. "Yes, it's all fake."

"I'd ask why, but I think I get it."

You were glad you didn't have to do further explication. 

Even before Jungkook got back with the tickets, Taehyung and you got into a discussion about Van-Gogh and other artists, - though you've barely known each other for ten minutes - because Jungkook took way longer than intended and he didn't notice that his lie made no sense when he said the woman at the counter hat to deal with other customers after him that wanted to cut in line, as you were the last ones waiting. However, you didn't point that out. 

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