Chapter 12

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You were in Jungkook's car on your way 'home' when he got a call. 

He asked you to pick up, as he was busy driving. 

The contact name said "Kim Namjoon".

You answered the phone and put it on speakers. 

"Jungkook, Yoongi's article is blowing up."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what you did, but people ship Y/N and Jung Hoseok more than they like you two."

You couldn't help but burst into laughter. 

Jungkook braked so hard, it pushed you back in your seat.

"Are you trying to kill us?!"

"Wait, is that Park Y/N?"

"Yes, she's with me right now," he groaned.  "How bad is it?"

Namjoon took a few moments before answering. 

"It depends on your definition of 'bad'. From Jung's position, this may be the best day of his life. I don't know about you, though."

Jungkook resumed driving. 

"How do people even come up with such ideas? There were just two photos. Hoseok was only on one of them."

"Someone shared pictures from his private account. Pictures of him and Y/N."

You were almost certain Jungkook would kill you if he braked a third time like that. 

"Gosh, who gave you your license?"

You were lucky the street was empty or else you would've been long dead.

He glared at you. 

"I'll call you right back. I have something to take care of, okay?", Namjoon said a moment before hanging up.

Jungkook drove to the apartment silently, though he was obviously not concentrating on the driving part, and almost crashed into another car. You were skimming the internet for the pictures that got published and realized that it was most of the ones where you seemed close. 

After arriving, Jungkook told you to go wait in his office. 

You were about to say that this wasn't middle school when you noticed the serious look on his face.

It took him a few minutes to join you and when he entered the room, there was a change. You couldn't tell what, but he looked different. 

He sat on the chair on the other side of the desk and took a stack of papers out of the drawer. 

"We need to talk about the contract."

"What is there to talk about?"

He raised a brow. "It's obvious that things aren't going as planned."

It was obvious, indeed. But it wasn't your problem. 

"Okay, so what about the contract?"

He leaned back in his chair, massaging the back of his neck. 

That was when you realized that the minor change you didn't notice at first was his missing tie. 

"I think it would be a good idea to extend it for two more weeks."

You shook your head. "No way am I staying here for another two weeks."

What about Hoseok? You haven't seen him for an entire week and you had already planned to go to the movies next Wednesday. 

"I will still pay you, of course," he said, probably thinking he could achieve something by that. 

He was on the right path, to be fair, but you didn't want even more drama with all the rumors about your life.

It was enough that your face was on the articles. That wasn't planned. 

When you married Jungkook, you didn't know that he would be so obsessed over what people think about him. 

Then again, you pretty much knew nothing about him. 

"You told me it would take a week for things to simmer down", you reminded him. 

"I know", he sighed. His frustration was cute when wasn't angry at anyone. "But you're the one who got out in public like that."

Ahh, there it was. The passive-aggressiveness.

"Are you blaming me for the fact that people think there is more chemistry between my friend and me than between us? Because If we're doing that, then may I remind you you're the one who wanted to get married?", you snapped. 

"If we get divorced now after what just happened, people will assume you left me for Hoseok-"

'-AnD tHaT WouLd bE BaD fOr My iMaGe', you completed the phrase in your mind. 

"- and if they think that, it's not only my image that would be ruined. The press will definitely say you were cheating the whole time. You might get a contract for my company, but if I were you I couldn't imagine working for the person you cheated on."

"But I didn't."

"That's not what matters. People believe what they want to."

He was trying to manipulate you into agreeing, and you were tempted.

"Didn't you say we were getting a discreet divorce?"

"I did. But now that people are starting to think this relationship is not real, they will find out right away. And that will probably ruin your chances for a future job."

He had a point. 

"What are you suggesting?"

"Easy." The slight smile he gave you signaled that he already got what he wanted. "We extend the contract for two more weeks, but we make people believe it. That means dinners, going outside together, the whole package. Whatever stuff married couples do."

You thought about it. That meant you wouldn't get paid to watch Netflix anymore.

"I won't do it if it means I can't meet up with Hoseok," you stated. 

"Fine. As long as you spend more time with me."

You chuckled.

That sounded awkwardly needy. 

"So the public sees that you're married to me, and not to Hoseok," he tried explaining what he meant. 

"Do I smell some jealousy?", you joked. 

He rolled his eyes in annoyance but you could've sworn you saw a flash of pink on his cheeks before he stood up and made a gesture for you to follow him to the kitchen. 

Jeon Jungkook was starting to get interesting. 

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