Chapter 7

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"I'm going to send you all the pictures next week when I'm done with them, but I can send you the one with the lightning tomorrow."

Jungkook nodded.

You were sitting in the hall where the wedding took place, but now almost all the guests were gone. Yoongi sat on a bench decorated with white roses and was talking to you. 

A few minutes later, he said goodbye and was on his way to the boat scheduled to bring the last guests home this evening. Jungkook stood up and left you alone, but while you were wondering what he was up to, he was already on his way back holding two glasses of champagne. 

He handed you one, sitting down next to you. 

"Cheers. To a successful week of marriage."

You both laughed. You drank the champagne, noticing it was a different one than the one handed to you by Hoseok. 

This was probably a much more expensive one, too. 

"I never thought this was going to work", he said quietly after a while. 

"Me neither."

He leaned back and took the last sip, then stood up.

"We should go to the hotel room, someone will tell the guests we were tired." 

You nodded and stood up, ready to go to the building nearby where Hoseoks and your room were, when Jungkook said: "We should go upstairs. Your stuff is still there."

You followed him up to his hotel room and were expecting him to get in and bring your stuff out. Instead, he gestured you to come in. 

He closed the door behind you.

"Your clothes are in the wardrobe. Though I don't think it would be a good idea for you to go downstairs, one of the reporters is still here. I booked you the room next to mine, you can stay there for the night. We'll leave tomorrow."

He gave you your clothes which were stacked neatly, your vest on top of them all. Then he handed you a key. You took it and left the room. 

It took you a while to unlock the door, as it was hard to hold everything without the stuff falling on the floor. You weren't surprised to see that your room looked exactly like Jungkook's, except that it was a mirrored version of it. You placed your stuff on the bed and took your phone out. 

You were disappointed when it didn't turn on. The battery must've died hours ago. Too bad you didn't have a charging cable with you. Your bag was in your hotel room in the other building. 

There wasn't much to do, and Jungkook didn't say it, but you were certain he would be upset if you left the room and caused trouble. So you stayed inside, took the dress off by yourself, which was easier than putting it on, and took a shower before going to bed. 

This was by far the most eventful day in your life. 

And it will probably remain that way, as you didn't exactly plan to marry another rich guy you didn't know ever again. 

You were almost asleep when you heard a knock on the door. 

When you opened it, you saw Jungkook holding a tray. Behind him, there was the rack with the empty plastic cover. 

"You didn't eat anything since I've met you. I thought you might be hungry. Also, we need to put the dress outside the room so the staff doesn't notice."

It was very... thoughtful of him to bring you food.

You looked at the tray and noticed that the food wasn't just for you, there were two plates. 

"Sorry I didn't bring any wedding cake. It turns out, I forgot to even order one."

You stepped aside to let him in. He placed the tray on the bedside table and you brought the rack in. It didn't take you long to put the dress on it and bring it back out. 

Jungkook sat on the side of the bed and you tried not to see it rudely because you didn't even ask him to.

 Well, technically it was his hotel room because he was the one paying for it, but still. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

And there you were, thinking he brought you dinner because he was nice. 

"What is it?"

"I'm supposed to attend a dinner next week, and I want you to go with me."

"I can't", you said. "I'm working the night shift."

"Can't you take a day off?"

"They'll fire me if I do."

"Then quit your job."

"Excuse me?"

What the hell was he thinking? 

"Quit your job. You'll be working at my company next month anyway."

Exactly. A whole month of being unemployed. 

You didn't exactly have that many savings and you didn't plan on spending the money Jungkook paid you on that. 

"If I do that, then you have to pay me for every hour I'm spending with you. Full salary."

"You've got to be kidding."

You didn't reply. 

"For real?"

You nodded. 

"What are you, a prostitute?", he mumbled. 

It was obvious he didn't mean for you to hear it. You raised a brow. 

"If I was one, your rich ass could never afford to pay me," you said, not caring that it sounded petty. God, what was this, seventh grade?

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