Chapter 36

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"What do you mean they want me to meet someone? JUNGKOOK KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD AND STOP TRYING TO KILL US", you shouted.

Everything that could ever go wrong already started going wrong before you even arrived at your parents' house. Exactly one minute and thirty-three seconds ago, to be more precise, because that's when your brother called to tell you to put on something decent so you wouldn't creep the poor guy out. Said guy was one you've never heard about, and it was about the worst moment ever to meet him. 

It turns out, your dearest parents wanted to surprise you. You didn't know how to tell them that you were actually coming over for Jungkook to meet them. This was going to be awkward.

"I don't know, they just told me to tell you, it's not my business. I'll see you there."

"No, you can't just hang up on me. Park Jisung, I'm talking to you!"

You had his undivided attention before you could hear the beeping sound signaling that he ended the call. 

"What is it?", he asked, but you could hear genuine fear in his voice. Using someone's full name had that effect sometimes. You glanced at Jungkook and even he was a little uneasy in his seat. He'll be lucky to never hear his full name out of your mouth. 

"Listen to me carefully. You need to get rid of that guy before I get there, whatever it takes."


"Because-" You took a deep breath, praying that Jungkook's happy ghost wouldn't haunt you forever for saying this. "-I'm bringing my boyfriend over."

"You're doing what?! Why didn't you tell us?"

"Why are you telling me just now that they want me to meet someone? I didn't know this was 90-days fiancé."

"What do you even expect me to do?"

"I don't know? Creep him out with your love for Iron-Man? Think of something. And don't tell mom that-"

Great. Did Jungkook really have to drive through a tunnel right now? 

You waited for the line to reconnect, but after it made a loading sound a few times it ended. You tried to call again, but it didn't work.

"You know, you could've just said that you're bringing a friend over," Jungkook commented. You looked at him in disbelief. 

"Have you thought of the fact that I'm not exactly interested in meeting other guys right now? Because we're still married?"

"What about Taehyung? I thought you were interested in him."

"I am. But as a friend. I don't know anything about that guy, he could be a creep. Plus, I wouldn't want to meet someone and my first intention to be a relationship."

Jungkook looked at you but decided to stay silent. It took you a few moments to understand why: he and you met exactly this way. And now you were married, without actually even knowing each other. You wanted to say that this was different, but was it really? Yes, you weren't interested in him at all at first, and yes, you only did it because he offered you a lot of money and a good job. But right now you didn't actually have anything against him. He was decent, maybe not likable enough to befriend him but enough to get to know him better. So, in a way, it was different.

Jisung didn't answer when you called back. Your parents must've come back from their trip. 

When you arrived, there was another car parked there. It belonged to the guy you were supposed to meet. What was his name again? Woo-something? Jisung was useless as always. He probably won't even try to show the guy his hand-crafted Iron Man costume. 

You rang the bell out of courtesy, even though you had a key. It would be best to give them some time to get used to what was about to happen, rather than burst into the house with your husband. 

Jisung opened the door, knowing that he was going to get slapped as soon as no one was around to see. 

"I'm so sorry, I tried. This time I really did." He even had the audacity to bow his pink-haired head as a form of apology.

Lies. All lies. That's what he said last time when he didn't even speak to the guy. 

"What did you tell mom?"

"That you're bringing someone over."

"But you didn't tell her who, did you?"

He shook his head. It was fascinating how he managed to keep his hair on his head after bleaching and coloring it so many times. Maybe you should try out something new, too. 

Maybe it was for the best that she didn't know yet. 

You let Jungkook go in first and showed him where to leave his shoes. Jisung was fearing that you'd hit him, but after seeing that you were focusing on something else, he straightened his back and raised his head again. 

Don't get too comfortable, buddy.

When you entered the room, you found your mother laughing at a joke that was definitely not made by your father. 

The guy sitting at the dining table had dark hair and was wearing a suit that looked like it didn't fit him. It may have been the right size, but something about it didn't sit right. Maybe it was the color, though dark blue always fitted anyone. Something about the way he looked at you was familiar, but you couldn't wrap your head around what it was. 

"There you are! I was wondering when you would arrive. Jisung just told me that you're bringing someone over," your mom said. Jungkook bowed while she was still talking and you did the same. Sometimes you forgot it, your parents have never been very strict about it. "That is great because look who I just met again, after all these years!"

She pointed at the guy that stood up from the table and bowed as well to show respect. Damn, he was well-mannered. No wonder your mom fell for him.

"Do you remember Kim Woojin? You used to play in the sandbox together when you were kids."

That rang a bell. Several, actually. And they were warning bells. Was this the same Woojin that used to throw sand in your eyes when you wouldn't want to play with him? 

"I'm very sorry, I can't remember", you lied to him. Maybe it was better to not bring up the ugly past of sandbox play dates.

There was a reason you hated sand, and it was because of Woojin. You actually did forget his name, but as soon as she mentioned the times when he forced you to build sandcastles with him, you remembered. 

"That's okay, it's been a very long time since then. I myself barely remember anything from those times. Though I do know that I wasn't a very nice kid, so if I ever did anything wrong to you back then, I'm sorry."

Now that was some character development right there. You smiled and told him it's fine. 

"Mom, this is Jungkook. He's a... friend of mine." Jungkook's plan of acting like your boyfriend was long gone.

You couldn't help but glance at your brother, who fortunately could keep a poker face this time. If things went well, maybe you wouldn't slap him for being unhelpful. 

Your mother told you to sit down at the table, where your father was already occupying a place in the middle of the seats. 

You sat next to Jungkook, and this was about to get interesting: you had to make your brother believe that you two were an actual couple, but you also had to convince your parents that he was just a friend. Meanwhile, you were brainstorming reasons to get Woojin out of the house before things could escalate. 

If Jisung didn't tell him about the Iron Man costume already, you will. Hell, you would even pretend that it was yours if it meant that he wouldn't be interested in you. 

You talked to your father while your mom asked Jungkook a few questions about himself. Like where you two met, to which he responded that it was at the wedding of a common friend. You almost snorted. Your mother commented that she had no idea about any weddings of your friends and you lied that you weren't actually friends with the bride and she only invited you because she knew Hoseok. You could always bring Hoseok into the discussion and that would make her believe anything you said. 

Jisung was holding a conversation with Woojin about his start-up company that he just founded a year ago. You couldn't listen to three people talking at the same time, so you focused on listening to Jungkook so you could match your stories in case something came up. Your father luckily didn't notice it. 

It seemed like your mother's little interview with your husband (or boyfriend? What was even his title anymore? You were extremely confused) was over, so it was her chance to try and introduce you to Woojin. 

You led small talk with him and after that, things went smoothly: Jungkok talked to your brother about their mutual love for Iron Man, and as soon as he found out about the hand-crafted costume, he wanted to see it immediately. Jisung was happy that he was finally out of your reach. 

That was when your parent's plan finally worked out: getting Woojin and you alone to talk to each other. 

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt