Chapter 47

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When you went back to your room after eating, the realization hit you that there were so many things you still haven't taken care of. Apart from Hoseok, no one had any idea what was going on in your life right now, and the way you left things back at home after Jungkook picked you up were mildly concerning, to say the least.

You dialed your brother's number, ignoring the missed calls from your parents and the unread messages that have piled up over the last few days.

"For god's sake, where are you keeping that phone?" he greeted you. "Mom and dad have been trying to reach you, they are asking me if you've run off with that Jungkook boyfriend of yours."

They were not far off.

You were about to explain the development of the situation but Jisung just kept talking.

"I found out about the money you keep sending. Listen, I don't know what shit you're pulling, but stop that. I don't want mom to faint once she finds out that you're running a money-laundering scheme or something."

"Mom isn't going to faint because mom isn't going to find out about it. Because you're not going to tell mom and dad anything."

"Until they turn on the news and find out their own daughter didn't invite them to her wedding."

"First of all, mind your tone", you warned him. "And second: it's not like that." You sighed, then decided that it was best if you told him the truth. You gave Jisung a summary of how you ended up in your contract with Jungkook and finished it with the announcement that you would go on your honeymoon in a few days, hoping that at least now he would understand that you weren't entirely delusional to marry an unknown man simply because he looked good.

Jisung was quiet as you explained, only his breathing giving away that he was still, in fact, there and listening. 

"What are you going to do after that?" he asked after you finished talking.

"After that, the contract's done. I go on to work a desk job, Jungkook goes on to work on whatever he's doing. Maybe we're going to occasionally see each other in a meeting or two, though I doubt it. Basically, we go back to being strangers", you say with sudden realization. Something doesn't feel quite right when you say it, but you can't pinpoint what it is exactly.

Your brother doesn't answer at first.

"This would be the perfect time to complain about not having anyone to talk about Ironman to anymore, but I feel like that might be insensitive."

 The comment catches you off guard and you start laughing.

"Yeah, probably. Anyway, if there's nothing else to say, go back to studying. I'll come visit when I'm back."

"Actually, there is something else. You might want to visit this week, dad is a bit hysterical about what happened with Woojin."

"What do you mean? You promised not to tell them anything!" you exclaimed.

"I didn't! He's being asked to court because of a video of him harassing a girl. Dad found out about it because Woojin wouldn't stop calling and asking for a place to stay. Apparently, he lied about being successful and his parents threw him out after they saw the video."

Woojin was going to court?

Serves him right.

"Mom's refusing to go to her treatments because she thinks dad isn't in his right mind to take care of things around the house."
"That's absurd."
"That's what I'm trying to tell her."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do."

You hung up, then dialed your father's phone number. As always, he didn't pick up the first time you rang, but a few minutes later he called you back. It amazed you how even after so many years, he was still struggling with modern technology.

"Hey dad. How are you doing?"

"How am I doing?" he asked you, voice clearly constricted like he'd been trying to keep himself together. "I am thinking about how I may have helped set my daughter up with a criminal. How do you think I am doing?"

You were about to tell him that you were fine and that it wasn't his fault, but he kept going. Guess Jisung learned that from him.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea. I thought that if you weren't able to find a good job after your studies, maybe you could at least find someone who makes you happy."

"Dad, stop saying that. I'm starting a new job soon and you don't need to help me find anyone. I'm good."
"You mean because of that Jungkook boy? I figured you two were hiding something."
"Dad, it's not what it looks li-"

"Oh save it, I saw the way he was looking at you the entire time."

Jungkook may have been a little too convincing.

You cleared your throat. "So, what about mom?"

Your dad sighed. "I don't know what to do."

That was all he had to say. "Okay. I'll come over tomorrow and try to talk some sense into her", you replied.

After you hung up and after you sent Hoseok a text message where you gave him an update on everything that happened, you had one last thing to do: start packing and go shopping for a cute bikini.

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