Chapter 17

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You followed him to wherever he was going, solely because you didn't want to be left alone and having to look for him again. 

It turned out, he was going to the ice-cream parlor. 

You knew you shouldn't be that bothered about what happened. 

For him, it was probably just a small gesture, he was might even not be thinking about it anymore. 

You stood in line and were wondering about what Hoseok was doing right now. 

"I'll make it up to you. You get to choose the next ride," he offered. 

It was your turn to choose anyway, but you didn't point that out. 

Although you wanted something calming after the Gyro Drop, you wouldn't let Jungkook have that.

"Tomb of Horror," you said and he gulped. 

"Are you sure? I mean, the Gyro Drop was already a little... adventurous and-"

"Tomb of Horror, take it or leave it," you said firmly. 

He sighed. "Fine."

It was finally your turn and after you got your ice-cream, you made your way to the next attraction. 

The line here was almost empty, so you could hear the people screaming in fear inside. 

This was going to be fun. 

At least for you. Jungkook however hasn't even bothered finishing his ice-cream and tossed away the cup now full of molten stuff.

If you didn't know any better - and you technically didn't - you'd say he was scared. 

When it was your turn, he left you space to go ahead. You stepped into the dark hallway where the creepy music started playing. 

"I don't think this was a good idea," he mumbled behind you. 

"Why, are you scared?", you joked and turned around. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. 

"Of course not." As if to prove it, he walked past you and went ahead. 

Not a moment after, a figure popped out of the wall and Jungkook flinched. 

"See? I'm not scared."

You rolled your eyes and followed him through the door. The next room was filled with fake fog and tree trunks. 

And zombies. 

Jungkook cautiously walked past them, expecting them to jump at him, but instead, they just kept growling and staring. 

When he already crossed half of the room, he turned around and said, "It's actually not that bad."

There was a loud flushing sound and that was the sign for the zombies to kick into action. They cornered the two of you and started grabbing at Jungkook's T-shirt. 

He got closer to you, clinging to your arm like a child. 

"I thought you weren't scared," you laughed. 

He straightened his back a little, letting your hand loose. "I'm not."

One of the zombie actors must've heard it because they got closer and growled in his ear, to which Jungkook squealed like a girl. 

You dragged him to the other room, trying to suppress a burst of laughter. 

Thank god there weren't any actors here. Instead, there was water being sprayed at you if you took the wrong steps on the bridge. Underneath it, there were robots that were supposed to resemble crocodiles wrenching their jaws at you. 

You took the first step, shaking Jungkook off, but he didn't let go. 

"Come on, the others are going to catch up."

If you remembered correctly, there were three other groups behind you in line, but you weren't sure. 

"What if they bite?", he said, looking down the pit.

"They're robots!", you tried to be rational, but the anxiety was getting the best of him. 

"But what if they bite?"

You slapped his arm. "AUA!"

You grabbed his wrist and pulled him on the bridge. He must've taken a wrong step, because there was a splatter of water on your right. 

Great, now your shoes were wet. 

You heard the other group behind you scream, so you pulled Jungkook along and ignored his squeal when he got sprayed. 

"Those were the worst ten minutes of my life," he said after you were outside again. 

"You're right. If I had my phone with me, I would've taken a picture of you clinging to me."

"It wasn't like that."

"It was definitely like that."

"This stays between us."

"I'll think about it."

You will tell Hoseok about it for sure. 

After a few rather harmless attractions and the occasional proximity from Jungkook whenever he thought someone he knew was around, the day was approaching its end. 

Jungkook decided to do one last activity together: go together on the Ferris Wheel. 

You figured it would look good if anyone saw you doing something romantic. 

When you got into the little cabin, you expected him to sit in front of you, but instead, he sat next to you. 

He either ignored your confused look or he didn't see it. 

It was already pretty late, and even though it was summer, the sky was getting dark and the shiny stars were starting to get visible. 

It was kinda chliché. 

At least you weren't cold. As you got further up, Jungook took his phone out. 

"Let's take a picture," he said. 

He unlocked the screen and held the phone up. 

You forced a smile, he took a photo. 

When he looked at it, he frowned and held the phone up again. 

This time, he got closer to you, pressing his cheek to yours. 

You flinched in surprise at the touch but then decided to just go along with it. 


There was a moment of awkward silence while he looked at the picture and you hoped he wouldn't ask you to take another one. You took a glance at his side profile and caught a glimpse of his little smile that he was trying to hide.

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