Chapter 4

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Jungkook headed downstairs in advance and told you to wait for a few minutes before following.

You did as he told you and not long after you were living the Cinderella dream:

Jungkook put on his best smile and looked at you from the landing. You were glad that you put the veil on before going downstairs or else everyone would see your red cheeks and the fact that you could never be the bride of someone like Jungkook.

It seemed like the people were either staring at you or at Jungkook, which was probably both the case. Each step you made was as careful as possible. After all, you wouldn't want to fall and break your neck.

It was a blessing that you got to keep your white flats on, as the ones of the previous wife weren't your size.

You spotted Hoseok at the bar, standing straight and offering competition to Jungkook's professional looks. He flashed you a subtle thumbs up. You smiled, even though he couldn't even see your face.

When you reached the last step, he offered you his arm and you walked together to the altar. It must've been put up in the last hour because you could've sworn it wasn't there this morning.

The whole ceremony went by fast, although Jungkook seemed bored by it halfway through. You remembered that you still had to take your vows the moment he took the microphone in his hand.

"-and I think you are the right decision", he ended his speech. You were glad he kept it short because you couldn't remember half the things he said. They were so generic and boring, they could've been stolen from the Pinterest feed.

But then again, that was the point.

He handed you the microphone.

You turned slightly to the public, suddenly blank with fear. He didn't say anything about what you should mention in your vows, so you went with the first thing that came to your mind:


You told a completely fake story about one of your favorite moments with him. You weren't even sure where you got that idea, but it sounded like it came off Reddit.

"-and I, as well, think you are the right decision", you ended it so it would sound romantic and planned.

The old man kept talking for a few minutes about the importance of true love and stuff that was entirely not true and then he finally asked you if you want to marry.

You were about to mutter that it's not a choice, but you decided you'd keep your mouth shut, in case some of the reporters were nearby and they heard you. And more importantly, Jungkook would hear you.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Dis - gos - tang.

Jungkook took a step closer to you. He was quite tall when he stood like that. He bowed down and lifted the veil, being careful not to show your face too much.

You didn't think much about what was about to come next. Naturally, you knew that you were supposed to kiss. It wasn't that big of a deal, he was paying you for all of this, after all.

However, you didn't expect him to grab your waist and bow down, not to your lips, but your ear.

"See, they did buy it", he whispered. His breath was tingly on your skin, and being so close to him, you could smell the faint scent of his perfume. For a moment, it made you nervous.

At first, you didn't get what he was implying, but then the people started to clap and the music got a little louder.

It must've looked as if he was kissing you, at least they acted that way.

As he stepped back and let go of your waist, he also put the veil back.

If Hoseok had any doubts about whether you were the bride or not, they vanished at that moment. 

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